Go to Catness
Cat photos, cat artwork, cat stories
Note from the editor

Catness is all about Cats. Cat photos, cat artwork, cat stories. All welcome. If you have something to submit and want to be a writer, either add a comment at the Submission Guidelines section or email me: wezel2@gmail.com. Or you can just “Follow” us to read stories.

Go to the profile of Louise Peacock
Louise Peacock
Louise Peacock is a writer, garden designer, Reiki practitioner, singer-songwriter & animal activist. Favorite insult “Eat cake & choke” On Medium since 2016.
Go to the profile of Bruce Walker
Bruce Walker
Photographer, recovering bourgeois, coffee lover & multidisciplinary geek. Photo-genre best described as “Erratica”. Social: linktr.ee/bruce.walker
Go to the profile of Bruce Walker
Bruce Walker
Photographer, recovering bourgeois, coffee lover & multidisciplinary geek. Photo-genre best described as “Erratica”. Social: linktr.ee/bruce.walker
Go to the profile of Julie Amidon-Conklin
Julie Amidon-Conklin
Sleepy, cat mom, dog door opener, queen of the unfinished project, coffee addict, avid reader. https://twitter.com/JulieConklin5
Go to the profile of Drew Spangler aka Orlando Laser Lipo Services
Drew Spangler aka Orlando Laser Lipo Services
Spa Owner, Writer. My husband Michael and my kids have four legs with fur some people call them cats. Twitter @OrlandoLipoServ drew.j.spangler@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Erika Burkhalter
Erika Burkhalter
Photographer, yogi, cat-mom, lover of travel and nature, spreading amazement for Mother Earth, one photo, poem or story at a time. (MA Yoga, MS Neuropsychology)
Go to the profile of Andrea Cannon
Andrea Cannon
Wife / Mother / Christian / Author
Go to the profile of Farah Egby
Farah Egby
Software Agilist, Erstwhile Scientist, Music Dabbler and Amateur Human Being.
Go to the profile of Melissa Speed
Melissa Speed
Artist and writer living in Derbyshire, England
Go to the profile of Cynthia Giles
Cynthia Giles
Writer at large, Ph.D. in interdisciplinary humanities. Persistently curious! Launching Complexity Press, Summer 2024.
Go to the profile of Kirsty Hayden
Kirsty Hayden
Conservationist and amateur wildlife photographer. From Ireland, living in London. Avid reader, writer and animal lover (especially my two adopted cats).
Go to the profile of Vi.Smith
I’m from the province of Styria in Austria and write about Food, Cooking, Austria and Life Experiences.
Go to the profile of Anita Sud
Anita Sud
An educationist for 30 years, I have a newly acquired love for blogging and enjoy penning my thoughts and experiences. https://medium.com/@anita.sud66
Go to the profile of Max Klein
Max Klein
I write about the beauty of life
Go to the profile of Mimi Bordeaux
Mimi Bordeaux
Renegade of prose_+ creator of the troubled mentor-= abyss gaunt and drying on the inner::+sinking memory flowing through subconscious mind: it's the dreamland
Go to the profile of Franco Amati
Franco Amati
Speculative fiction writer from New York. Editor of Scuzzbucket. For published work visit francoamatiwrites.com or buy me a coffee at ko-fi.com/francoamati
Go to the profile of Lucia Siochi
Lucia Siochi
Artist at heart, Technologist by trade. Lover of cats and coffee, life and laughter. Sharing my quirky point-of-view to help you.
Go to the profile of Ryan Miller
Ryan Miller
Ying & Yang | Happy. Positive. Tech Savvy. Writer. Leader. Magnetic Person. Living Human Being. Dreamer.
Go to the profile of Impolite Tulip
Impolite Tulip
Sharing my personal experience with animals and my ~a bit too detailed~ knowledge about them. Convinced the world needs more animals to be a better place.
Go to the profile of Magda Paiva
Magda Paiva
I'm a full time pharmacist, learning photography in part time and writing as an hobby.
Go to the profile of Christine Schoenwald
Christine Schoenwald
Writer for The Los Angeles Times, Salon, Next Avenue, Business Insider, and Your Tango Christineschoenwaldwriter.com
Go to the profile of Jen Son
Jen Son
Sharing my life experience
Go to the profile of Shuaib Ahmed
Shuaib Ahmed
Just another Content Creator trying his Best.
Go to the profile of Karen Schwartz
Karen Schwartz
Children's picture book author, fiction writer, personal essayist, kindness specialist, and lover of chocolate.
Go to the profile of Terry Bowyer
Terry Bowyer
Nature lover and an eternal optimist at heart. I love to write about personal growth and mental health.
Go to the profile of Nadja Scarlett
Nadja Scarlett
“Witchy, not wicked” | Hodgepodge of stories from spooky fiction to nonfiction, and ALOT in between with a mix of quirky for extra fun!
Go to the profile of Hammad A. Khalid
Hammad A. Khalid
Reader | Writer | Thinker | Lifelong Learner | Curated in Health, Startups, Writing, Productivity, TV & more
Go to the profile of Jose Luis Ontanon Nunez
Jose Luis Ontanon Nunez
Industrial Designer & Communication Coach. Dyslexia, History, & Trivia Writer. Father/Pet Lover — Top 1000 Writer, also on #Books, #Movies, #Reading & #Writing
Go to the profile of Julia Miller
Julia Miller
Weaving a tapestry of life writing about food, family, and felines. Get a free recipe ebook at https://www.juliamillerauthor.com/quick-and-easy-pasta-dishes
Go to the profile of Hunter Cabot
Hunter Cabot
A slice of pumpernickel adrift on a sea of Wonderbread
Go to the profile of Harley Jane
Harley Jane
Animal lover, numbers nerd, CPA. Writing on various topics including animals, personal growth, soul searching, entrepreneur journey, and some comedic relief.
Go to the profile of Glad Doggett || Reader. Writer. Wanderer.
Glad Doggett || Reader. Writer. Wanderer.
Lover of crossword puzzles & artfully crafted sentences. || https://gladdoggett.medium.com/membership
Go to the profile of Ocean Anderson
Ocean Anderson
Crunchy vegan treehugger. Foster cat hustler. Cyclist. Pedestrian. Hedonist. West Michigan.
Go to the profile of Barb Dalton
Barb Dalton
Mum to 3 humans; Cat lover. A Kiwi-Canuck. Nursing Instructor by day; rants and reminisces by night. Owner of Nursing Notes and a proud Booster of A+ stories
Go to the profile of Lucien Lecarme
Lucien Lecarme
For more truth bombs and weekly medicine to start living a more meaningful life, join the happy family back at my Substack https://lucienlecarme.substack.com
Go to the profile of Joey Peterson
Joey Peterson
Bicoastal artist, writer, photographer, traveler, music lover, adventure seeker, cat connoisseur on a quest for enlightenment and spiritual renewal.
Go to the profile of Orianna Nienan
Orianna Nienan
Enjoy writing about all things Earth-friendly.
Go to the profile of Anne Moul
Anne Moul
Retired music educator who loves to write. Pet lover, choral singer and observer of the human condition. I blog at www.secondactstories.com
Go to the profile of Diana Lotti
Diana Lotti
Content & Copywriter | Helping service-based entrepreneurs & photographers turn their websites into a tool to attract clients | Travel & Photo Stories on Medium
Go to the profile of Carla McCarty
Carla McCarty
Writer (MFA in Creative Writing), middle-school English teacher (25 years and counting!), college English instructor and crazy cat lady (owner of 21 cats).
Go to the profile of Dr. Kat
Dr. Kat
Writer, Psychologist, Life Coach
Go to the profile of Ananya Misra
Go to the profile of Lore Tarau
Lore Tarau
Crazy cat lady with a passion for writing :D
Go to the profile of Katie Churchward
Katie Churchward
Serving up the 30-something perspective from the frosty north. Lover of books, travel and a great cup of tea. She/her.
Go to the profile of Erie Astin
Erie Astin
Travel writer. -- Humanist, animal lover, eternal striver. -- From Montana.
Go to the profile of Consistent Contradiction
Consistent Contradiction
philosopher, psychedelics enthusiast, cat lover, communist, passionate about TV writing for social change.
Go to the profile of Deborah Barchi
Deborah Barchi
Deborah Barchi has recently retired from her career as a librarian and now has time to read, explore nature, and write poetry and essays.
Go to the profile of Ava Marie LaMonica
Ava Marie LaMonica
Screenwriter/creative writer/lifestyle and film blogger. IG: @thecelluloidwallflower. Email: lamonicaava@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Eleanor Annay
Eleanor Annay
Writer who seeks her niche. Get your copy of Planner for writers on Medium https://eleanorannay.gumroad.com/l/planner
Go to the profile of Scott Ninneman
Scott Ninneman
Helping you understand and thrive with bipolar disorder. Editor of the Speaking Bipolar Publication. Let's connect: https://speakingbipolar.com/socialmedia
Go to the profile of Michael Thorn
Michael Thorn
Writer, photographer, copyeditor
Go to the profile of L.A. Strucke
L.A. Strucke
Top Writer, Songwriter. Published in Chicken Soup for the Soul, Highlights for Children and Guideposts. Editor of The Creative Project.
Go to the profile of Richa Khare
Richa Khare
Writer at heart ❤️, blogger by passion, I like to write about my experiences in life and have made a sweet home for my thoughts at www.richakhare.com
Go to the profile of A.M. Radulescu
A.M. Radulescu
Certified bookworm, published author, hopeful dreamer, advertising professional. Writing about life and self-growth. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09JRJ3P5T
Go to the profile of srstowers
high school English teacher, cat nerd, owner of Grading with Crayon, and author of Biddleborn.
Go to the profile of Clement Brian
Clement Brian
I write. My goal is to help others and positively impact the world.
Go to the profile of ⭐ Thomas D.
⭐ Thomas D.
Top Writer in Economics | Writing on topics true to life and experience.
Go to the profile of Sandra Ivonne
Sandra Ivonne
Veterinary Assistant, abstract painter, bisexual, Mexican American, dog/cat mom & lover of coffee. I write about pet care, and whatever else strikes my fancy.
Go to the profile of Jacob Flanders
Jacob Flanders
cosmos, earth, life, thought, feeling, meaning, arts, words & some other things, besides
Go to the profile of David Bryson
David Bryson
I am a writer, photographer and an educator. More of my photographs can be seen at https://photolibrary.cladonia.co.uk/
Go to the profile of Sally Prag
Sally Prag
Wilfully niche-less, playfully word-weaving. Rethinking life through my words. Sometimes too seriously, sometimes not seriously enough.
Go to the profile of Patrick OConnell
Patrick OConnell
I embrace only AuthenticEngagement! - Writer4Reciprocal&FollwerBoosterHub-Editor4ILLUMINATION Pubs-Top Writer in Ideas! My Portfolio: https://protectmykid.us
Go to the profile of Maeli Santos
Maeli Santos
For existence, for expression and a mix of both — an outlet. A Nurse, so romantically attached to reading, writing and poetry, she tries to pen her own.
Go to the profile of Kitty Williams
Kitty Williams
writer, poet, bookworm, daydreamer, moon worshipper, & devoted cat mom
Go to the profile of Jenni Klock Morel
Jenni Klock Morel
Writer | Adult Figure Skater | Cat Lover — Figure skating taught me that it’s never too late to do what you want to do, to become who you want to be.
Go to the profile of Jay Krasnow
Jay Krasnow
Former CIA officer | Most-definite Southpaw — Mind Cafe | Better Marketing | Writers Cooperative | Publishous — Tweet: @JayKrasnow
Go to the profile of Semih AYGÜN
Go to the profile of Andrea Kennedy
Andrea Kennedy
Web developer. Historian. Artmaker. Writer. Science, Technology and Medicine Enthusiast.
Go to the profile of Semih Aykut
Semih Aykut
Computer Science BSc. I like electric guitars, swimming and cats. https://numbrle.com
Go to the profile of The Introverted Vet
The Introverted Vet
Emergency Veterinarian in Australia | Advocating for vet mental-health & public awareness of our profession | @introvertedvett
Go to the profile of Ivy the Ginger Ninja
Ivy the Ginger Ninja
BSc (Psych), DipFamHist. I am a NINJA! (Or so I’ve been told, and they can’t take it back now, I’ve already had t-shirts made).
Go to the profile of Don Drewniak
Don Drewniak
U.S. Army Veteran. Retired science/math teacher. Author of The Junk Picker and Desert Assassin, plus a bunch of other stuff. I reciprocate all reads.
Go to the profile of Tracy.3
(they/them) I'm a vegan Guatemalan-El Salvadorian-American writer, filmmaker, & teacher in Thailand. Your support is appreciated: ko-fi.com/tracydot3
Go to the profile of Scot Butwell
Scot Butwell
I am embarrassing according to teenage son. My jokes are terrible and I don't know when to stop annoying my son. I am the dad of an autistic son. A funny kid.
Go to the profile of Haylee Griffith
Haylee Griffith
18 years old, 4X winner- Best of State Student Journalist — I like cats and spend too much time on TikTok, Contact: httpshaylee374@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Lee Blackwood
Lee Blackwood
aka the Tasteful Traveler. Copywriter. Chef. Your basic Renaissance gal. I can bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan, then write about it, & $ell the story.
Go to the profile of Michele Baumgardner
Michele Baumgardner
Former Examiner.com Child Development writer and 4-year blog writer. Then life got in the way. Starting anew with Medium; I'm excited!!
Go to the profile of A. Alexander (Alex)
A. Alexander (Alex)
I love photography & writing. I’m a human/animal right’s activist & an environmentalist. My favorite quote is: “Be the change you want to see in the world.” 💯
Go to the profile of Hamid Jafari
Hamid Jafari
A Vancouver B.C based journalist
Go to the profile of Susan Alison
Susan Alison
Paints pictures & writes stories for a living. Dogs appear in the art, & the humour — a lot! (Dogs have much to say about life.) Can be found at SusanAlison.com
Go to the profile of Holly Gillfeather
Holly Gillfeather
FKA Lyra Blackwood. Content creator. Fantasy book nerd. Hangs out in the wellness and new age sections of the bookstore. Frequently bossed around by her 2 cats.
Go to the profile of Drake J. Stone
Drake J. Stone
Accidental plant-based househusband, geographer, Insanity workout addict, and world’s worst day trader. For more info: https://medium.com/mr-drake-stone
Go to the profile of Jillian Amatt - Artistic Voyages
Jillian Amatt - Artistic Voyages
I seek new experiences and share my life as an artist, traveler, foodie, gardener, and serious steward of our beloved planet. Life is short, let's get busy!
Go to the profile of Francisco Schmidt
Go to the profile of Emma Dreyer
Go to the profile of nareeta martin
nareeta martin
Becoming a Wise Woman, Learner of Things, Grandmother and Other Things, Writer, Painter, Photographer, Traveler, Gardener, Animal Advocate, Kiwi, Not Always PC.
Go to the profile of Susana Quintana
Go to the profile of Zara B
Zara B
Student of life — Big on reflection and creating an impact — Passionate about helping people and sharing my wisdom — Also a cat mom
Go to the profile of robert porter
robert porter
Top writer in MOVIES, Robert writes on self-improvement, mental health, conservation, movie reviews, screenwriting and (God-forbid!) bagpipes.
Go to the profile of Kasturi Patra
Kasturi Patra
Writing, life, career, mental health with a dash of memoir and fiction thrown in. Portfolio: kasturipatra.com ; Email: kasturi.mib2010@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Que Sarah Sarah 🌴
Que Sarah Sarah 🌴
Bubbly, animal-loving, storyteller. Love photography and a good side hustle. Live, Love and Laugh! Chat and a ko-fi.com/quesarahsarah ?
Go to the profile of Sarah Reade
Sarah Reade
A writer with a glass of red wine in hand and wondering where my curiosity will lead me.
Go to the profile of Josh Balerite Acol
Josh Balerite Acol
Writer|Editor|Mom-Dad of 4|Loves all things inspiring! Feel the love and fun. Support my writings — join now! https://joshbaleriteacol.medium.com/subscribe
Go to the profile of Krista Bennett
Go to the profile of Kevin L. Knights
Kevin L. Knights
I love to cook and of course eat the results, write, work out, shoot pool, throw darts, and watch horror and science fiction.
Go to the profile of Araci Almeida
Araci Almeida
Trying to be the Portuguese Annie Ernaux or Elena Ferrante
Go to the profile of Mark Scofield
Mark Scofield
Coming out of the shadows. No more pseudonym. Humans are designed to fail. I'm Exhibit A. Often writing semi-fictional history and autobiographical stories.
Go to the profile of The Cat Corner—Unpad Street Feeding Animal Friend
The Cat Corner—Unpad Street Feeding Animal Friend
Ideas from Universitas Padjadjaran Street Feeding Animal Friend, a non-profit student initiative for street animals and promoting responsible pet ownership.
Go to the profile of Denise Darby
Denise Darby
Dipping my toes into the world of publishing.
Go to the profile of Michael Shook
Michael Shook
Plainspoken. Plain thinking.
Go to the profile of Jane Lynch
Jane Lynch
A woman of faith, balancing bookkeeping with book-writing. Occupying that beautiful hiatus in time between the cares of parenting and the advancement of age.
Go to the profile of Emma's Vision
Emma's Vision
Emma is a fictional cute girl. She has supervision.
Go to the profile of Jonathon Sawyer
Jonathon Sawyer
I’m a Canadian writer of short stories; a poet of dubious repute. I experiment with interesting concepts and styles, which is why I head TKL's Monday Mash-Ups
Go to the profile of Anshu Kumari
Anshu Kumari
A teacher and writer who helps people learn more about love, books, and life.
Go to the profile of Gergana Stamenova
Gergana Stamenova
Publishing stories and poems close to my heart hoping that in time I’ll turn my hobby into art.
Go to the profile of Tearrah Turner
Tearrah Turner
Just a 20 year old trying to make it. I’m a sleep technologist student who writes in their free-time.
Go to the profile of Linda Kowalchek/L.K. Smithe
Linda Kowalchek/L.K. Smithe
Writing about real life. Proponent of the passive voice and bringing “that” back. Member of the typewriter generation. Reach me at Linda.kowalchek@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Jenny Alexander
Jenny Alexander
I write to encourage self-published authors because it's not an easy road. YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/@savvyself-publishing
Go to the profile of Marlene Alexander
Marlene Alexander
Christianity, relationships and crafting, in that order. No chocolate morsel left behind.
Go to the profile of Brian G Ross
Brian G Ross
I enjoy writing, being cosy, dark chocolate, poached eggs, hotels, dry humour, snow, sunshine, lazy weekends, prawns, and women with small feet.
Go to the profile of RAOUF Chen
Writing whenever about whatever.
Go to the profile of Hannah Smith
Hannah Smith
Student. Animal Lover. Coffee First. Writing about whatever I’m interested in and personal experiences! https://hannahkatewrites.com
Go to the profile of Robert Howe
Robert Howe
Writing at the intersection of deep ecology, spirituality and nature based human development. Supporting readers on journeys of self discovery.
Go to the profile of CP Gilmore
CP Gilmore
Writing for fun, and to understand the world a little bit better.
Go to the profile of Randy Runtsch
Randy Runtsch
Writer | Photographer | Outdoor Lover | Adventure Cyclist | Business Owner | Data Analyst | Software Developer
Go to the profile of CatDaddy
Cat Behaviorist - Father of Cairo - Patron of Cat Rescue Shelters in Romania
Go to the profile of Ewan Spence
Ewan Spence
A traveller in the Web 2.0 world of media, technology, podcasting, and blogging.
Go to the profile of Amanda Weir-Gertzog
Amanda Weir-Gertzog
word forager 💜 editor for Write Under the Moon and bookish nook 🌈
Go to the profile of John Fuller
John Fuller
Writer | Author | Cat Dad | Tea | Photography | Travel | All things Yorkshire | cricketyorkshire.com
Go to the profile of Andrew Rupert Crocker
Andrew Rupert Crocker
🏴‍☠️ 🐙 Scoop Magilla creator & a Kraken Lore editor 🔮👻 magical realism, low-fan & horror 🏡🐾 Austinite with Chris & 2 kitties 🎾🍞 Tennis & bread lover
Go to the profile of YsoYso
I own a space agency called CATSA. And I dream.
Go to the profile of J. S. Klein
J. S. Klein
Also known by my pseudonym Lady Reborn
Go to the profile of TommyB.
Go to the profile of Aslynn Roe 🐈
Aslynn Roe 🐈
I am a listener of culture, history, media, and politics. Follow me, and we will go somewhere. Finding out where is half the fun!
Go to the profile of Annie Forbes Cooper
Annie Forbes Cooper
Transplanted Scot, former journalist, trying to find the meaning of life through storytelling. I write as if I were dying.
Go to the profile of Addie Strode
Addie Strode
I enjoy writing and all things animals. Most of my stories will probably be about animals and advice on how to take care of them as I used to be a vet assistant
Go to the profile of The Incandescent Writer
The Incandescent Writer
Isabella the Wordweaver—or writer, editor and book coach in your tongue! I blog about creative writing, faith and more. bellajwu.wixsite.com/incandescent
Go to the profile of Jenna Franzese
Go to the profile of Harmony Hacks
Harmony Hacks
Holistic self-improvement for the modern individual
Go to the profile of Siany
Single Mum. Awesome Human. Terrible Cook
Go to the profile of Zehra Aydın
Go to the profile of Lesley Dewar There's always another story to tell
Lesley Dewar There's always another story to tell
I love writing on lots of topics. Get to know me. I love cats, wine, tech, family and humour https://medium.com/@lesleydewar/about-me-lesley-dewar-d53791b899b5
Go to the profile of Racheal Sue
Racheal Sue
Writing about life through the lens of a millennial woman, parent, caregiver, and doula in Wisconsin, USA. 🏳️‍🌈
Go to the profile of bee s’ilent
bee s’ilent
i love writing on topics i'm passionate about. :)
Go to the profile of Edward Swafford
Edward Swafford
I’m an Australian poet, healthcare professional, and copywriter. I write about spirituality, tech, aged care, mental health, family, and relationships ⚡️.
Go to the profile of Stephen Needles
Stephen Needles
Stephen is an aspiring freelance writer who has spent the last 20 years building up physical and emotional scars in the veterinary field.
Go to the profile of Dana DuBois
Dana DuBois
Publisher for Pink Hair & Pronouns and Three Imaginary Girls. Boost nominator. I'm a GenX word nerd living in the PNW with a whole lot of little words to share.
Go to the profile of Barb Besteni
Barb Besteni
Writer, Spiritual Seeker, Musician, Animal Lover, and so much more ...
Go to the profile of Alexandra Axente
Go to the profile of Indrajeet Ghosh
Indrajeet Ghosh
I'm Indrajeet: India-born word-weaver & guitar enthusiast. Won accolades on Medium. Still grooving & growing. Cheers to the journey! 🎸📝🚀
Go to the profile of John Delaney
John Delaney
A former curator of historic maps at Princeton University, I now live in Port Townsend, WA. I've published books on cartography and 4 collections of poems.
Go to the profile of Peter Last
Peter Last
Aquarian writer disseminating the intuitive waters of truth and cosmic consciousness to all who seek spiritual revelation.
Go to the profile of Jessica Montes
Jessica Montes
Writer | Editor | Traveler | Reader | Baker | Cat mom | Full-time Sunshine Enthusiast 🌻
Go to the profile of Patricia O'Neill
Patricia O'Neill
I'm a retired secretary. I've enjoyed writing as a hobby since childhood and decided to try my luck on Medium. Looking out for side hustles :).
Go to the profile of Kurt Dillon
Kurt Dillon
Journalist & Psychologist - Owner of the Veritas True Crime Publication on Medium - Fdr & Host of 'The Veritas 7 - True Crime Podcast' - @ theveritas7.com,
Go to the profile of null
Stepping out into the world is terrifying and refreshing.
Go to the profile of Janet Meisel
Janet Meisel
Writer, poet, artist. I found myself here one day, settled in, and so far I don't want to leave. Life is weirdly beautiful , what more can I say?
Go to the profile of Kristy C
Kristy C
A fusion of suburban charm and professional prowess! https://medium.com/@kristycanning
Go to the profile of Kathy Stephanides
Kathy Stephanides
Kathy Stephanides is a low vision nonfiction writer focusing on memoir. Email address: tksteph85@earthlink.net
Go to the profile of Peter
Hello! My name is Peter, I am a Coast Guard veteran with deep passions for a number of things that I love to talk about and share.
Go to the profile of Ella F.
Ella F.
Bibliophile and lover of words. Interested in business, relationships, self and life lessons.
Go to the profile of Claire_Han
Hello! I'm Claire. I write about tech, cats, animal welfare, culture and sometimes reflect on life as a freelancer.
Go to the profile of Alison McBain
Alison McBain
Alison McBain is the writer behind Author Versus AI. She writes fiction, nonfiction & poetry, ghostwrites & edits books. http://www.alisonmcbain.com/
Go to the profile of Tori Hall Sudduth
Tori Hall Sudduth
I am a children's book author and copywriter, with 18 years of experience in marketing. Humorist. Life is short – laugh whenever possible!
Go to the profile of The AuDHD Philosopher
The AuDHD Philosopher
Editor and owner of "The Poor Life" pub, 5x boosted writer, writing in the hopes that together we can shape a better future
Go to the profile of Kathryn Betts Adams, MSW, PhD
Kathryn Betts Adams, MSW, PhD
Gerontologist. Baby Boomer. OnlyDaughter. Mom of two. Writing on aging, health, family relationships, mental health. Find me at https://KathrynBettsAdams.com
Go to the profile of Juliana Marquis
Juliana Marquis
Sometimes I ramble, sometimes I rant, but I know this: life is much too short to be without books, Indian food, wine, pets, and, most important…good friends.
Go to the profile of Agata Szymula
Agata Szymula
If coffee addiction was a person.
Go to the profile of Quirkin
Wandering Photographer. Traveler, cat lover
Go to the profile of Heather Lengyel
Heather Lengyel
passionate poet & creative writer. whimsical sprinkles with a dark, edgy twist.
Go to the profile of Carlos Chowell
Carlos Chowell
Researching my interests, and sharing the findings. Get my free preset pack for Vital and Sound Design Newsletter: https://carloschowell.gumroad.com/l/zlfps
Go to the profile of Julie Bylli Johnson
Julie Bylli Johnson
Whimsical writer, book doula, and life coach. Bringing spiritual principles & nitty gritty organization to inspire writers & other cool humans.
Go to the profile of Cristina Cattai
Cristina Cattai
Authentic human being, passionate about cats, crochet, life, psychology and spirituality. Top writer in reading. No AI https://www.buymeacoffee.com/IgieCVU
Go to the profile of Pearl
Autistic student with a special interest in psychology, horror, music and cats.
Go to the profile of ✍️ Alexander Verbeek
✍️ Alexander Verbeek
Writer and public speaker on the beauty and fragility of nature.
Go to the profile of Kat Brancato
Kat Brancato
Kat Brancato is a Lifestyle Writer for hire. She has been featured in the Real Simple, Better Homes & Gardens, and Parents. Check out www.katbrancato.com
Go to the profile of Orion Griffin
Orion Griffin
I'm a news editor and writer for a newspaper. In my free time I write short fiction for fun and about my life to better understand myself.
Go to the profile of Toni Crowe
Toni Crowe
Sharing the hard lessons I've learned in life. Best-selling author. Humorist. Editor. Writing whatever interests me . Owner: No Air. Editor:MuddyUm.
Go to the profile of Cyn BehindMind
Cyn BehindMind
Simple life, Husky & Coffee Lover. Proud Mom. Future Psychologist figuring out life | Writing about mental health, life & wellness! Join me on this journey!
Go to the profile of Saia Morales
Saia Morales
I am an energetic being here to live, love, and play on this physical plane. I love nature, animals, and reflecting on the astounding miracles of life.
Go to the profile of Caseandme
Observer, listener, learner. Exploring ideas, sharing visions, and playing with minimalism. Personal experience = personal stories. My good life is now : )
Go to the profile of Stefanie Morejon
Stefanie Morejon
Writer. Designer. Linguist. Teacher. Serial Hobbyist. Editor for Intersectionality & Long. Sweet. Valuable. Join me in the rabbit hole at https://smorejon.com
Go to the profile of Aarushi Ahuja
Aarushi Ahuja
Comedian + Writer. Stanford ’22 and '23. (she/her)
Go to the profile of C. M. Barrett
C. M. Barrett
Owned by cats. I write about anything that interests me, and I'm happy to report that the brain cells continue to fire with reassuring regularity.
Go to the profile of Rick L. Huffman
Rick L. Huffman
I have been a Navy submariner, a television newscast director, a truck driver, and an English teacher. I live in Texas with my lovely wife and two spoiled pets.
Go to the profile of Joel V 🦁
Joel V 🦁
Writing about personal experiences, stoic values, poetry, writing and the occasional cat tale.
Go to the profile of The Dainty Vampire
The Dainty Vampire
A curious cat person with a passion for exploring the depths of philosophy, science, and technology.
Go to the profile of Lisa Smart
Lisa Smart
writer – editor – career – creativity – cats
Go to the profile of Susan Nilson | Founder @ The Cat And Dog House
Susan Nilson | Founder @ The Cat And Dog House
Susan Nilson is a cat and dog training and behavior professional who shares her life with 6 cats and 4 dogs - all rescues - she's acquired on her world travels
Go to the profile of Vida Lu
Vida Lu
Freelancer-a freedom life. 🐾🍀🌍
Go to the profile of Kyle Marie Wohlers
Kyle Marie Wohlers
Mama. Friend to animals. Nature lover. Craft maker. History enthusiast. My blog: https://www.historyrediscoveredbykylewohlers.com/
Go to the profile of Orpita Das
Orpita Das
I won't subtitle roti (flatbread). My audience is probably Indian, though fellow global citizens shouldn't have trouble with it. Plz leave feedback either way!
Go to the profile of Kerem Ağıröz
Kerem Ağıröz
A thriving and transforming stable writer who wants to make people's lives better
Go to the profile of Philip Begho
Go to the profile of Ali Wanders
Ali Wanders
I'm just a solo travelling, perimenopausal cat lady with a late diagnosis of ADHD; a walking plethora of equally awkward and beautiful contradictions.
Go to the profile of Micah Jack
Micah Jack
I'm a 13 year old and I’m homeschooled. My mum introduced me to Medium and I have loved writing since. (Account owned/managed by my mum).