Top Stories published by Cellynews in 2011

Celly voted Top Ten #EdTech Startup 2011

We’re so proud to have made the Top Ten EdTech Startup for 2011 list put together by Audrey Watters of This is really an honor. Of all top ten lists, this is the one we want to be on, since is the best #edtech blog out…

New Avatars: Round 1

We just added 36 new great avatars from Portland artist Jim Hill. You can checkout Jim’s comic books at Working Class Press.

If you haven’t chosen an avatar previously, your avatar might change! If you picked one before, it will be the same, but you might want to…

These were the top 15 stories published by Cellynews in 2011. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2011 by using the calendar at the top of this page.