1 Year of ChainBorn 🥳

Asbjorn Enge
Published in
7 min readAug 18, 2023

1 whole year under the yoke of the Lord Emperor and his damned Inquisitors. It feels like five 🙊 😅 ⚔️ 🔥

Current front page
Mainnet announcement Tweet

Kidding aside, it’s been a great year and quite the journey to get from where we started to where we are today. And the road ahead is full of exciting new things! Let’s see what we have accomplished in a year… 🤩 🥳


Let’s take a quick peak at some stats first.

Number of Heroes: 276
Number of Players: 96
Number of Battles: 3934
Number of Collection: 16

So in 1 year 276 Heroes have been summoned! 96 players have played the game!! An incredible 3934 battles have been fought!!! And we now support 16 collections!!! 🤯 💪 ⚔️ 🔥

We are quite proud of this and want to extend a sincere THANK YOU to each and every player who has summoned a Hero and tried ChainBorn.

❤️ 🙏 ❤️

Chain Ministry

We quickly realized that there was a need to NPCs in ChainBorn to keep players active and engaged. Thus the Chain Ministry was born. It has been a huge success. By far the player with most experience 😉 It has grown from a single character (Arsh) to a whole group of NPC players with different stats etc.

We have also added loot to the Inquisitors, so if you manage to win over one you might get a battle chest with some goodies 🎁 .

Many more collections

We started out with 4 initial collections; BitBirds, BatBits, Ottez and VesselGen0.

Today we support 16 (!!) collections including some of the most prominent collections on Tezos 💖 🙏

Some stats reveal that VesselGen0 is still our most popular collection.

Collection Stats
Vessel GEN-0: 77
Dark Wheel Demonz: 24
Big Foot Mafia Club: 21
BitBirds: 19
BatBits: 19
Mutant Gecko Gang: 18
Diplomats of Tezotopia: 16
Ziggurats: 12
Witchez: 10
Oxtazy: 9
Prjktneon: 9
Trooperz Genesis: 8
Neonz: 8
Ottez: 7
Owlz: 5
Cyber Gecko Gang: 2

Off chain randomization

We started off wanting to build the entire game on-chain. We used a “randomizer oracle” to generate hit damage where we would push entropy to keep anyone from being able to guess the result.

However, it turned out it was possible to front-run these entropy pushed by adding lots of gas to the transaction and thereby guessing the outcome of an “attack”.

So, we had to move to off-chain randomization. This has been working great for a long time now, and we have not seen any new attempts to “cheat” the game in this fashion.

🎲 🎲 🎲

Items & potions

In order to make the game more strategic we introduced items & potions in March of this year. Including a store where you can purchase and trade these items. We wanted to encourage an economy within the game where players could trade items and Heroes.

We also wanted to include the collection creators more in the game by giving them the ability to create items for the store. Either for their unique collection or for all collections on ChainBorn. We also support skins which players can use to pimp their Hero cards in the game.

PrjktNeon Items & Skin

The store has been a huge success also. And today we have 69 different items for sale 🤩 🛡️ ⚔️



Tournaments have been one of the most requested features we have had from the start. March of this year we added support for them, and it’s been a huge success!

Raf Rumpus #4 Tournament


Cup & League

We have also launched something we now call the “Cup” and the “League”.


The Cup is a sponsored battle for badges over a certain period. Winners can take home a prize in XTZ and also win a trophy.



The ChainBorn League is similar to the Cup only it lasts an entire year! Prizes, Trophies and winners for 2023 TBD ⚔️ 🔥


Battle speedups

One of our main obstacles to adoption is the fact that we are an on-chain game, with many of the interaction requiring the signing of transactions.

Previously a player had to sign a transaction for each “attack” in a game. This was quite tedious. We have now removed this requirement, and battles are much faster and give a much better game experience.

Since we already did the “dice rolling” off-chain, we could also keep track of the turns without on-chain transaction. So we did that, and we added a special “finisher” service to resolve the off-chain battles on-chain.

Read more about it here.

Notification improvements

From the start we have had a notification system inside the ChainBorn game. Similar to the notifications you get on Facebook and similar. However, this required users to always check the site in order to get notified of new events. Especially in a asynchronous turn-base game such as ChainBorn it’s important to be able to notify users via other channels.

So, we have added two new notification methods; email and web-push.

Notifications Settings

Email notifications use the fantastic TezID notification channels ✨ So there is no need for you to share your email with us. Just set up a TezID email proof and allow ChainBorn to contact you via this channel.

Web push notification are pretty awesome and they are what I use now. Setting them up is a little detailed for this blogpost, but check out this video for how to get “normal” notification on your phone from ChainBorn 🤩 🎉

How to set up web push notifications on iOS
Web Push Notifications on iOS

All this, and many more little tweaks and updates have happened on ChainBorn in the laste year 😅 🤩 💪 🎉 Are you as excited as us for the future? Let's take a quick peak at some of the things that are in the pipeline.


Quests will be collections of achievements that need to be reached in the game in order to be able to claim certain prizes. The first quest ever will be the “Free Merlin” quest that we are announcing as part of our 1 year celebration and that you can read more about here.


Dungeons will be a string of battles with increasing amount of difficulty (culminating in a dungeon boss?) that a group of Heroes need to complete in order to collect awesome loot.

Dungeons will also perhaps have geo-location attached to them. What fun we will do with that remains to be seen 😉 🐣

Magical abilities

We are soon introducing magic into ChainBorn. There will be multiple types of magic and the different collections will have a different maximum setting for each ability. Meaning you might want 1 of each collection to make a super deck 🤩

Increasing magical abilities will be doable with experience points.

Along with magic also come spells. They will work similar to potions in that they will be NFTs, and they will be quite powerful 🧙 ✨

Deck battles

We are also introducing Decks soon. Decks will be a collection of Heroes bundled together. Players can battle eachother with Decks in deck battles. Last player with a Hero still alive takes the victory.


The Blacksmith of “forgery” will be a place where Heroes can do things like;

  • Add magical abilities to items
  • Craft spells and potions
  • Craft items
  • etc.

More collections

At the ❤️ of ChainBorn is our amazing collections. A HUGE thanks to all the collection creators who decided to be part of our game. We are forever grateful and we work hard to add additional utility to your collections.

We are always adding more collections to ChainBorn and will continue this in the year to come.

As part of our anniversary celebration we are adding two new collections;
Ottez Evolutions and Bunny Knights!!

Hope this makes you excited for the future of ChainBorn!

Come join in the fight ⚔️ 🔥


