The Short Sale · Chapter 2 · Hacking the Coffee Shop


“The Short Sale: A Disgruntled Former Homeowner Seeks Revenge for Losing His House” by Miguel A. Calles
The Short Sale book cover

A few months ago, Mike learned about a new cybersecurity training program at his work. The management had promoted it as a way for employees to advance their careers. The company’s true goal was to fulfill new requirements that would be enforced in upcoming contracts. Mike was not interested in the company’s goals and career advancement. He hoped he could learn ethical hacking to have the skills to exploit Saul.

In the training, Mike learned about the weaknesses in Wi-Fi security. He learned how to use tools that had databases with Wi-Fi passwords. Other tools allowed one computer to pretend to be another by spoofing its MAC address. Yet another tool could let him connect to another computer and see its Internet activity over Wi-Fi.

The training instructor gave the students a vulnerable Wi-Fi router and laptop with an operating system that was not updated for two years. The students learned how to break into the Wi-Fi and laptop. The teacher had a bonus prize for the students who could steal a text file with credit card information saved on the laptop. Mike failed to earn the bonus prize. However, he did complete the assignment and broke into the Wi-Fi and laptop.

Mike decided he would put his skills to the test. He wanted to break into the coffee shop’s Wi-Fi. He was there that morning trying to find a vulnerability in the Wi-Fi that he could exploit. Unfortunately, he was unable to break in.

The coffee shop owner was a computer nerd who built a quirky website in the 1990s for fun. She would give random tutorials about computer programs, software development, and anything technical. For entertainment, she hid treasures throughout the website. Anyone who found them would earn a discount, free download, or a quirky sticker. People raved about these prizes, and the website became a go-to resource. It became so popular that the website was bought for millions of dollars, and she retired to run a coffee shop.

Even as a small business owner, she stayed updated on the latest tech gadgets. She had learned about website security because hackers were constantly trying to hack her website since there was a gold mine of data there. She knew the risks of hackers and took her coffee shop’s Wi-Fi security seriously.

Mike had been trying for one week to break into the Wi-Fi. He was not worried about having no success. He had learned about zero-day vulnerabilities in his training class. When one is discovered, it gives hackers an advantage because cyber defenders have no fix and need to create it. There would be a window where he would learn of a zero-day vulnerability and use it to break in.

Mike looked at his watch. He was late for work! He quickly packed up his things and ran out the door. The barista yelled, “Have a wonderful day!” Mike gave no acknowledgment, not even a head nod.

Before you go

In the next chapter, we learn about Mike’s workplace.

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Miguel A. Calles · Serverless CISO
Chapter by Chapter

Author of Mastering AWS Serverless · AWS Community Builder · Specializing in CMMC, SOC 2, serverless & engineering.