DAO Capsules

Swiss Army Knife NFTs for: Membership, Vesting, & Dividends

Rafael Hoekstra
Charged Particles
3 min readApr 18, 2022


DAO Capsules are the “Swiss Army Knives” of NFTs

2022 is shaping up to be the “Year of the DAO”.

Massive social and financial capital continues to pour into the new paradigm of remote, decentralized building. Architecturally, the shift seems to be from top-down corporations, to voluntarily aligned cooperations. And tools for DAOs are emerging rapidly…

Enter DAO Capsules!

DAO Capsules in the DAO Toolkit

A single DAO Capsule NFT powered by Charged Particles can function as:

  • A DAO membership token for access and voting (compatible with Snapshot, Collabland, Gnosis etc.)
  • A vault to time-lock equity tokens
  • A mailbox/bank account to receive payments/dividends/rewards/NFTs

In this model, holding the DAO Capsule is DAO membership. As custodians of these bearer instruments, holders are of course free to give/trade/sell their DAO Capsules, and so transfer their “seat at the table”, along with all assets inherent.

DAO Capsules in Action: Paragons DAO

ParagonsDAO have been the first to harness this power, by vesting $PDT tokens inside Capsules for their founding members. Founding member DeFi Ted coined the term, Governance Vessels for these, as holders which retain the $PDT inside, maintain governance rights within the DAO.

While the encapsulated $PDT is time-locked, holders are free to transfer, sell, or collateralize their position via the DAO Capsule. Furthermore, upon unlocking of the $PDT tokens, founders are free to withdraw and sell their allocations — but upon doing so, forfeit their governance rights.

More so, the ParagonsDAO team has discussed distributing rewards & NFTs directly into founders Capsules. In this way, they also function as mailboxes/bank accounts.

DAO Capsules are the “Swiss Army Knives” of NFTs

Could you use DAO Capsules in your DAO?
Learn more about the benefits and features, and get started at

About Charged Particles

Charged Particles is a protocol that allows users to deposit ERC-20, ERC-721, and ERC-1155 tokens into NFTs. A scarce NFT (e.g. Art, Collectible, Virtual Real Estate, In-Game Item, etc.) can now be transformed into a basket holding a number of other tokens. The Principal amount can be time-locked inside the NFT, and through integration with Aave’s aTokens, the programmable yield from these DeFi yield-generating assets is just a few clicks away.

Applications of Charged Particles:

Vesting Capsules | ✅ NFT Trust Accounts | ✅ Gift Baskets | ✅ Improved NFT Index Funds | ✅ Financially Appreciating Artworks | ✅ Nested Bundles of Artworks | ✅ Redemption Tickets | ✅ Creative Crowd-funding Campaigns
Company Token Promotions

Stay in touch with Charged Particles

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