Tech China Post #32

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Big banks talk about fintech in China. From vice chairman of JPMC Asia: “JPMorgan every year, as we speak, processes through our QuickPay 94 million payments. But Tencent, the Chinese company, over…

Tech China Post #124

China-based Ant Financial and Vanguard are establishing a new robo advisor targeted to serve over 900 million users. (link)

U.S. is reportedly moving to limit exports of advanced technologies to China. If implemented, U.S. will limit technologies such as…

Tech China Post #74

1H 2018 China venture capital exceeded $11B. (link)

China is now the most prolific producer of supercomputers. China has so far produced 206 of the 500 supercomputers in the world. Supercomputers are strategically important advancement of technology to enable massive…

Tech China Post #25

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China’s Central Bank has announced that the government is working on a form of digital currency as a fiat digital currency alongside the renminbi banknote. The government has previously hinted at…

Tech China Post #23

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The exam result of the AI bot (AI-MATHS) that took the math portion of the once-a-year Chinese university entrance exam is back — it got below average grade. It scored 105 out of 150. The company…

Tech China Post
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