Dark Alleys and Dead Ends

A choose your own adventure story — Drabble Edition!

Person wearing a hood in a dark alleyway.
Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash

This is a collaborative web-novel. You might want to start the story at the beginning here, or return to the previous chapter here.

And please check out this article to find out how you can contribute to this and other ‘choose your own’ stories in this publication!

You decide to turn down the dark alley.

In fear of what is approaching, you dive for the alleyway. The walls seem to close in on you as your foot splashes in a puddle. Then a lone figure stops you in your tracks.

“You ain’t the Waynes,” the hooded figure says with gun in hand.

“No, and I don’t want any trouble!” you panic.

“You’ve seen too much,” he growls, and pulled the trigger.

The bullet rips through your chest as you fall to the ground. Before your vision fades you spot a well dressed couple exit the theater, but quickly turn around upon seeing your dying form.

You are dead…

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Bradan Writes Stories
Choose Your Own Adventure — Collaboration

I'm a bacterial bard, and my inkwell is infectious. As disease diplomat, allow my quarantine quill to prescribe a cure, my tales of fantasy to ease your malady.