Hunting For a Joker

A chapter of a ‘choose your own’ story — Drabble edition!


Photo by Ryan Moulton on Unsplash

This is a continuation of You Are Dead, a Choose Your Own Adventure Story — Drabble Edition! Find out how to contribute here.

You whip out a marked deck of cards. “Reds or blacks?”

Death snaps his bony fingers, and a velvet table appears.“You only win on a joker.”

“Well,” you say, shuffling then spreading out the cards. “Give me a moment.”

Death nods.

It’s almost too easy. You flip your chosen card.

Death laughs coldly. “Then go. And know this — now my hunt begins.”

You find yourself in a city street in the dark. There is a sound of galloping hooves behind.

You start to run, suddenly terrified. There is a dark alley to your left, and a metal gate ahead.

You decide to…

  1. Run straight on through the metal gate (click here).
  2. Turn down the dark alley (click here).
  3. Stand and face whatever is hunting you (click here).

This is a collaborative story and you can add a chapter with an alternative…



JF Danskin
Choose Your Own Adventure — Collaboration

Writing fiction (fantasy especially) and poetry, enthusiast for creativity, collaboration, community. An Editor at the Fiction Writer's Den.