Guild Headquarters Map Mural

The Headquarters’ Map


A cozy corner of the Adventurers League Headquarters
Image created by Author using Nightcafé AI

Welcome to the Medium Adventurers League, a Choose Your Own Adventure game in Dungeons and Dragons style. You’ll need some paper and dice. Go to the beginning of the adventure here. Return to the Starter Guild Headquarters. If you came to this page from a more advanced guild, you can go back to Hearthstone Hideout or The Rebel Bar.

You step up to the side wall of the Adventurers League Headquarters, near the back of the room, marveling at the intricate details on the map. You recognize several locations, but some are unknown to you.

“Don’t worry, kid,” another adventurer says to you as he takes a swig of ale from his tankard, “you ever get turned around, you come back here. This map’ll steer you true…”

“What about other islands? Are there other places to see? Are there maps of them too?”

“Easy, easy,” the adventurer laughs, slapping you hard on the shoulder, spilling some of his ale. “The waters around here are fraught with dangers, but yea, a brave enough crew can take you where you be needin’ to go.”

He sizes you up and down with a dismissive look. “Ye best stick around here, kid. There’s plenty to do round these shores without…



Jonathon Sawyer
Choose Your Own Adventure — Collaboration

I’m a Canadian writer of short stories; a poet of dubious repute. I experiment with interesting concepts and styles, which is why I head TKL's Monday Mash-Ups