Fiction | Game | Medium Adventurers League ⚔️

The Adventurers League: Headquarters

Rest up, buy equipment, or browse the available quests


Image by the author using MidJourney AI

This is part of a story that works as an interactive game. You’ll need to have some paper and dice at the ready! Click here for the beginning of the story.

You take a look at the noticeboard inside the Adventurers’ League headquarters, and find signs advertising the following quests, each accompanied by a note with further details:

  1. Trouble with kobolds (beginner).
  2. By the Wailing Lake (beginner).
  3. Off to the Races (beginner).
  4. What’s in the Tunnel? (beginner).
  5. Wizard Needed (beginner).
  6. The Elf Queen’s Temptation (intermediate).
  7. Spiders of the Feyglades Forest (intermediate).

You can immediately see that you will have opportunities to explore all over the island of Primatria.

Click on any of the quests above to set out! Pick one that you haven’t done before.For a reminder of the rules of the game (including combat), click here.Or for more options at the League Headquarters, read on...



JF Danskin
Choose Your Own Adventure — Collaboration

Writing fiction (fantasy especially) and poetry, enthusiast for creativity, collaboration, community. An Editor at the Fiction Writer's Den.