Story Arc #1: The Castle of Shadows

Inside the Mysterious Bedchamber

A chapter of a choose your own adventure story


A brightly-lit bed with a canopy. A potted plant stands next to the bed.
Image by on DepositPhotos (purchased by author)

Click here to return to the previous chapter. Here is the beginning of the adventure written by JF Danskin. Writers, want to join us in writing collaborative choose your own adventure stories? Learn more here!

You wake up groggy yet well rested. You even had sweet dreams, something about the moon and the snow.

It takes a moment for you to remember where you are.

You’re lying in a king-sized bed with an elegant canopy, and the door to the marble hallway is still open.

Just as you’re trying to persuade yourself to leave the warm bed, you notice breathing nearby.

You almost scream when you see a green figure stretched out beside you.

It’s an alien girl, her dark brown hair running down her — oh gosh, naked — body. Some of her hair spills onto your shoulders.

Despite her ethereal beauty and delicate features, you are unnerved. Why is she lying next to you like you’re a couple? What does she want?

Before you have any time to escape, the alien girl’s eyes slip open. You freeze in fright. But she smiles and she looks benign, which is…

