It’s the Final Contest

A chapter of a ‘choose your own’ story — Drabble edition!


Skeletal hands in front of a glowing doorway
Photo by 8machine _ on Unsplash

This is a continuation of You Are Dead, a Choose Your Own Adventure Story — Drabble Edition started by Bradan Writes Stories. Find out how to contribute here, or return to the previous chapter, “A Show to Die For”, or “Did You Moose Me?”.

“I challenge you to a contest of…” you begin.

But Death raises a bony hand. “Actually, I’ll stop you there,” he croaks. “Fun times were had, but the gig is up.”

“You mean…”

He nods slowly, his hood flapping in a cold breeze that rises. “No more contests. I’m owed a soul, and…”


Death groans as you kick him in the nuts. You turn and sprint, finding yourself on an unfamiliar road. You turn left, then right, then cut through some trees.

You are totally lost, but you see mighty iron gates ahead, a market, and a dark alleyway.

You decide to…

  1. Run straight on through the metal gate (click here).
  2. Turn down the dark alley (click here).
  3. Go towards the market (click here).



JF Danskin
Choose Your Own Adventure — Collaboration

Writing fiction (fantasy especially) and poetry, enthusiast for creativity, collaboration, community. An Editor at the Fiction Writer's Den.