Off to the Races! — Part 2

The post must be maintained!

Photo by Dan Burton on Unsplash

This is part of a story that works as an interactive game. You’ll need to have some paper and dice at the ready! Click here for the beginning of the Medium Adventurers League, and find a reminder of the rules here. You can also go back to Part I of this quest: Off to the Races!

You signed up for a job. Your name and reputation are on the line to perform at the best of your ability. Therefore, you must remain diligent. As you walk your sector the races begin.

The horses bolt from the starting line. Their hooves beat into the dirt as they round the curve and blow past you. The wind whooshes past and you can’t help but join the crowd in cheering.

As the race comes to an end and a winner is declared you notice a man and a merchant arguing. Things appear to be escalating quickly so you hurry over to calm the situation.

“You owe me!” The merchant cried out.

“I ain’t paying you nothing,” the man growled with fists raised. “You cheated!”

You wonder how one could cheat while placing bets on a horse race, but you have to act quickly. The man appears to be growing violent and you have to maintain the peace!



Bradan Writes Stories
Choose Your Own Adventure — Collaboration

I'm a bacterial bard, and my inkwell is infectious. As disease diplomat, allow my quarantine quill to prescribe a cure, my tales of fantasy to ease your malady.