Off to Wander

A chapter of a ‘choose your own’ story — drabble edition.


Image crated by JF Danskin using Midjourney AI. Used with permission.

This is a continuation of The Burned Village, a ‘choose your own’ fiction story, “drabble edition,” initially created by JF Danskin. Head back to the previous chapter Lost in the Forest or Innocent Bystanders, or find out how to contribute to the ongoing story here.

You’re wasting time.

You’re hungry and tired and filthy from traipsing through the dense foliage.

You want to give up. You want to go home. But your home is in ruins and your family missing. Motivated or not, you’ve little choice but to press on alone.

You wander through the forest until finally you find the trail again. Smiling, you head back toward the nearest town in the hopes of getting the coin you need for a meal and perhaps some quiet lodging.

You easily evade the sleepy guard at the town entrance and make your way into the streets…

Click to Continue…

Hopefully things get easier back in the town. You certainly couldn’t cut it on your own in the wilderness!

Consider helping me out with a $2 tip to my Ko-Fi, or subscribe to my fiction stories to hear more, mainly because I like drinking hot drinks and writing stories for you to read!



Jonathon Sawyer
Choose Your Own Adventure — Collaboration

I’m a Canadian writer of short stories; a poet of dubious repute. I experiment with interesting concepts and styles, which is why I head TKL's Monday Mash-Ups