Fiction | Game | Medium Adventurers League ⚔️

Trouble With Kobolds

Part 1 of a quest


A wolf or dog in sillhoette against a red sky
Photo by Marek Szturc on Unsplash

This is part of a story that works as an interactive game. You’ll need to have some paper and dice at the ready! Click here for the beginning of the Medium Adventurers League, and find a reminder of the rules here. You can also return to the Adventurers League Headquarters or head back to the inn for a rest.

You set out from the Adventurers League headquarters, ready for adventure.

The information you read before leaving, on the board at the headquarters, was as follows:

I am a local sheep farmer, and I had three kobold servants on my farm. Recently, the scoundrels stole my rams and fled! I am sure they are in the caves nearby. I offer 15 silver pieces to an adventurer who can track them down and return the livestock. What you do with the kobolds is up to you — I don’t want them back!

There is also a simple map, and after descending to the marsh by the Headquarters, you follow a winding trail into the hills.

Soon you are following a high, straight path with cliffs to your left and a rocky slope to the right. Your home town can be seen in the city, and you also spy a large, dark cave high up a mountaintop to the north.



JF Danskin
Choose Your Own Adventure — Collaboration

Writing fiction (fantasy especially) and poetry, enthusiast for creativity, collaboration, community. An Editor at the Fiction Writer's Den.