Top Stories published by Chris Messina in 2007

Fixing Error 412 and Precondition failures in WordPress

Apparently mod_security is really aggressive around certain words (like in my previous post). To get around this, add SecFilterEngine off to your .htaccess file. You might not want to leave that snippet in there long, since it…

Technology for the future: MacFUSE

Introduction: I can’t say for certain, but with concerns about BitTorrent making the rounds (P2P as a concept and technology should be fine long-term) I’m curious about two new technologies with a lot of future-shaping potential — one that I was already aware of and a…

Did the web fail the iPhone?

Ian might be right, but not because of Steve’s announcement today about opening up the iPhone.

OAuth 1.0, OpenID 2.0 and up next: DiSo

IIW 2007b is now over and with its conclusion, we have two significant accomplishments…

Technology for the future: Apollo

Introduction:I can’t say for certain, but with concerns about BitTorrent making the rounds (P2P as a concept and technology should be fine long-term) I’m curious about two new technologies with a lot of future-shaping potential — one that I was already aware of and a…

These were the top 10 stories published by Chris Messina in 2007. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2007 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

Chris Messina
Chris Messina is the inventor of the hashtag, #1 Product Hunter, and an ever-curious product designer and technologist.
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