Innovate With YouTube Watch Data Using Gandalf SDK

Originally published on Gandalf’s official blog, but I wanted to hare it here to reach as many developers as much as possible.

But first, my thoughts:

  • For the first time, it’s now possible to…

Simpler parameter handling for Interactors

At BuyCoins, we use the Interactor gem for business logic. It works like this:

Say you have an Interactor called SendCoins. You call can trigger it’s functionality by doing 0.5…

Reusing Redux Containers with multiple Components in React.

If you’re using react-redux then you should be familiar with the code below.

// SomeContainer.jsx
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => ({

Getting JSON Body from Retrofit Error (Kotlin)

Update: You can see the class we end up writing, but in Java here.

I started using Kotlin in Android, yesterday. Yes, yesterday. I haven’t even done serious Android development in a while, so I was completely lost; drowning…

chunks of code*
chunks of code*
Articles chronicling stuff I do with code which may serve as tutorials (if anybody finds them useful)
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