Superhero TV Show Power Rankings — DEC 2018

Daniel L
Published in
9 min readJan 6, 2019

THIS MONTH —A crossover that’s more of a tease, a serial killer Batman, puppets, what could be Matt Murdock’s final stand & more!


Welcome to the Big Leagues, sis!

Season: 7
Episodes Reviewed: 8
(1) Reveal that the new Green Arrow is Oliver’s half-sister, likely Emiko Queen! This is one of the most exciting character intros in the last few years. She could really shake things up. (2) Nice to see Oliver out of prison. 7 episodes was a good amount. (3) Finally making a bit of progress in the flash-forward.
(1) Come one guys, it’s been 7 years. We know what happens when we try to throw parties. (2) Why do the writers refuse to let go of Diaz? (3) I don’t really miss him, but it does feel like Felicity and Oliver have forgotten about William.
How to Make It Better:
Resolve the Olicity issue — at this point it feels like there’s no love left between them, despite what they say.
Stray Observation:
Thea and new Green Arrow are both Oliver’s half-sisters, but would only be step-sisters to each other, as each have completely different parents.
Bold Prediction:
Felicity kills Diaz, and immediately regrets it.
Score: 6/10 (-2)

Cutter is not very good at her job.

Season: 2
Episodes Reviewed: 8–9
(1) Jennifer is the most interesting character of the Pierce family because she’s still learning about her powers. Anissa and Jefferson have never had any real issues, which is a problem. (2) Aha! Tobias finally figures out Black Lightning’s identity. (3)
THE BAD: (1) This is the Seinfeld of superhero shows — it’s a show about nothing! It seems like most of Black Lightning’s issues are being caused by his own family at this point. (2) For being a kingpin of crime, Tobias seems to have precious few people in his employ. (3) Cutter is a terrible assassin. She can’t apprehend 2 kids?
How to Make It Better: There needs to be some sort of impending danger that Black Lightning and co. need to stop. Right now, there’s none.
Bold Prediction:
Tobias kidnaps Lynn in the season finale.
Score: 3/10 (-)

Someone needs a good night’s sleep.

Season: 3
Episodes Reviewed: 6–13
So much. (1) Dex. His eventual defeat was nicely done. Matt revealed Fisk’s treachery (the murder of Dex’s friend), which turned the troubled FBI agent against his mentor. This led to a complicated fight sequence, with Daredevil, Dex and Fisk each fighting the other two! The final scene with Poindexter on the operating table was an exciting twist and would have made for an interesting 4th season villain. (2) Foggy. He’s an unsung hero of the series, and his clever manipulation of Blake Tower not only saved the city from Fisk, but got his family off the hook too. (3) The end. It was a poetic ending — Matt giving a eulogy for his beloved Father Lantom, surrounded by the people he now realizes are his friends — Karen and Ellison, Foggy and Marci, Mahoney and Tower, and Maggie, his mother. I almost teared up when Matt said that Lantom helped him “see the possibilities of being a man without fear.” For as you may know, that is how Daredevil was first introduced in the comics.
THE BAD: (1) Karen’s flashback episode was useless. It only served to explain why her Dad didn’t want her to come home. It shows her troubled past, but I feel like this show has put Karen through more than enough torture. I’ve always said the title for this show should really be Bad Things Happening to Karen Page. (2) Kingpin’s wedding. I suppose it’s a logical next step in his mind, but I began wondering about the logistics. Do you really want to do your first dance surrounded by fellow crime bosses? (3) While he’s the man without fear, Daredevil also seems to have immense healing powers. At least show him with a bruise or two!
Stray Observation: I really liked Jay Ali’s Ray Nadeem, and although I figured he wouldn’t last, I’d totally watch a show with him as the lead. How about another 24 reboot?
How to Make It Better: I want to see more of Orthodox Jewish crime boss!!
Bold Prediction:
See you on Disney+????
Score: 10/10 (+2)

Guess who’s back back back…

Season: 5
Episodes Reviewed: 8
(1) Episode 100 wasn’t epic, but it was fun to see all the big bads again. (2) I think it was important that Nora learns that Reverse Flash killed his mother. Especially since… (3) NORA IS WORKING FOR THE REVERSE FLASH?! That’s a big twist! Maybe Cicada is a red herring after all!
(1) Barry and Nora went back in time for a pretty contrived reason — it’s way too big a coincidence that they had to go back to all the finales. I would have had them go back to a random episode or two (King Shark or something?). (2) Seeing Tom Cavanaugh (who also directed this episode) as Eobard Thawne makes me miss him as a villain, and like him as Sherloque much less. (3) Cicada never goes away.
Stray Observation: Just realized the actor who plays Cicada is the douchey boyfriend on Wilfred!
How to Make It Better:
You get my point— Cicada’s not working.
Bold Prediction:
Nora West-Allen is not her real name.
Score: 7/10 (-)

Is Constantine’s tragic backstory being replaced?

Season: 4
Episodes Reviewed: 7–8
(1) Episode 7 was excellent at reestablishing Constantine’s penchant for going solo & humanizing him via a new tragic backstory. (2) Furthermore, he did something we’ve been warned about for years and years — he broke time! With Mona’s doomed Kaupe romance, Sara trying to get Mick and Ava to make nice, and a cliffhanger ending, this was one of the best episodes of the show. (3) Finally, in Episode 8, we get a peek at who will likely be this year’s major villain. It appears that an evil Desmond (perhaps Neron himself) is back and shmoozing with Hank, who may or may not know who he is.
THE BAD: (1) The Desmond plot really seems like a replacement for the Astra backstory from the Constantine series, which is still unresolved. I wonder if there were some legal issues preventing them from using this or if it will pop up eventually. (2) Enough with the puppets already. (3) And cats!
How to Make It Better: Enough with the problem-of-the-week, let’s focus on defeating Neron!
Bold Prediction:
Hank will either die or resign, giving control of the Bureau to Nate.
Score: 7/10 (+3)

Does this guy only own 1 shirt?

Season: 4
Episodes Reviewed: 8
(1) Brainiac V in action is the best! (2) Supergirl lifting a building! (3) Aha! Finally an identity crisis for Supergirl!
THE BAD: (1) Storylines for J’onn and Alex have taken a backseat this season, which is a shame, as they’re two of the best actors on the show. (2) This has been bothering me for a while — I feel like Kara is too perfect — she can do no wrong. Let’s see her struggle with some ethics for a bit. (3) Of course the older white male president is a jerk…
How to Make It Better: There’s a wealth of Superman/Supergirl villains! Let’s explore!
Bold Prediction:
Agent Liberty’s wife takes up the cause!
Score: 6/10 (+2)

Season: 1
Episodes Reviewed: 9–10
(1) While it was fairly clear we were watching a dream scenario from the get-go, watching Batman completely losing his mind was a jaw-dropping episode. Complete with the murders of top names from his rogues gallery, it was something that DC has never attempted on the big screen. (2) Again, this show is at its best when it’s focused on Brenton Thwaites’s Robin. (3) While we should take the fact that its a dream world, this version of Gotham is by far the most dangerous, decrepit and deserted version of the city we’ve ever seen.
THE BAD: (1) This show didn’t tie everything up in a bow, which is unusual for a season to do. I think they should have billed this season as “Season 1, Part 1”. (2) Beast Boy was a letdown this season. (3) We never got a great look at the big bad.
Stray Observation: Every episode is its own contained story, which is interesting, especially for a first season. It’s almost as if Titans is a showcase for the potential DC Universe has for all its shows.
How to Make It Better: What about Dick Grayson’s real life??? His job???
Bold Prediction:
Cyborg will eventually jump ship from the Doom Patrol to join the Titans.
Score: 9/10 (-)

This takes some getting used to…

Episodes Reviewed: Episode 9 of Arrow, Flash & Supergirl
(1) The crossover was littered with easter eggs, although it didn’t capitalize on as many as one would hope. From Smallville’s theme song to 1990’s Barry Allen, it was a fun game of “I Spy” for DC fans. (2) It was fun to see Barry and Oliver in each others’ roles, using each others’ powers. (3) A taste of Arkham was fun — Nora Fries, Scarecrow gas, and a variety of name-drops…but it doesn’t compare to the Gotham of Titans.
THE BAD: (1) The villains — Mar Novu and John Deegan — were boring and bland characters. Deegan was given the magic book for seemingly no reason & the Monitor should have been called Monotone. (2) Doesn’t make sense to have Merlyn and Reverse Flash fight Barry and Oliver, respectively. (3) I do wish we had seen more Batwoman in action. If I’m in executive, this episode doesn’t convince me that Batwoman works as a show. But, if Marc Guggenheim’s involved, that’s all the faith I need.
How to Make It Better: The ideal crossover would have team-ups between characters from different show!
Score: 6/10


1. DAREDEVIL = 10/10

2. TITANS = 9/10


4. THE FLASH = 7/10

5. ARROW = 6/10

6. ELSEWORLDS = 6/10

7. SUPERGIRL = 6/10


On next month’s Superhero TV Show Power Rankings…

The return of Supergirl! Arrow! Black Lightning! Flash!
New seasons for Future Man! Young Justice! Punisher!
And the beginning of the end for Gotham!

What do you think? Comment with your rankings!

For previous articles see NOV ’17, DEC ’17, JAN ’18, FEB/MAR ’18, APR ’18, MAY/JUN ’18, JUL/AUG ’18, SEPT/OCT ’18, NOV ‘18

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