Top Stories published by CirrusLabs in 2018

Speeding up Android builds with Cirrus CI

In our previous blog post we discussed Gradle caching and how Cirrus CI can make your Gradle builds 6 times faster by using built-in HTTP Build Cache. In this blog post we will see how Cirrus CI can be configured to run Android integration tests using…

Announcing macOS support on Cirrus CI

Cirrus CI already had great Linux and Windows support. The only missing platform was macOS…

Zero-configuration Docker builds with Cirrus CI

Cirrus CI has a very expressive and concise format of configuration files. .cirrus.yml configuration file for a simple web application can be as small as the following 5 lines:

image: node:latest

Announcing Azure Container Instances Support

Cirrus CI was created with an idea to leverage modern cloud technologies. Nowadays there is no need to constantly have a fleet of CI workers idly waiting for work to come. Modern clouds can provide computing resources unbelievably fast with just an API…