Go to Cisco Emerge
Cisco Emerge
Exploring the future of work and collaboration
Note from the editor


Go to the profile of Matt Norris
Matt Norris
Writer of code. Writer of words. Drawer of things.
Go to the profile of Joshua Frattarola
Joshua Frattarola
Husband. Dad. Amazon Leader.|| Amazon ⬅️ Cisco ⬅️ Ivy ⬅️ CBSi ⬅️ Clicker ⬅️ Ask .com
Go to the profile of Dario Cazzani
Dario Cazzani
Violinist, Machine Learning Engineer and I also make good pasta
Go to the profile of Andy Payne
Andy Payne
CTO & Cofounder at Unmeeting (unmeeting.io) || Thinking about new ways to help teams work together
Go to the profile of Jessica Thrasher
Jessica Thrasher
Arizona native, Bay Area adopted software engineer
Go to the profile of Joshua Frattarola
Joshua Frattarola
Husband. Dad. Amazon Leader.|| Amazon ⬅️ Cisco ⬅️ Ivy ⬅️ CBSi ⬅️ Clicker ⬅️ Ask .com
Go to the profile of Dario Cazzani
Dario Cazzani
Violinist, Machine Learning Engineer and I also make good pasta
Go to the profile of Devin Matthews
Go to the profile of Will Reed
Go to the profile of Matt Frey