The Mystery of Event Dispatching in Cizen

Cizen is an Elixir library to build applications with collections of sagas. Sagas communicate with each other by subscribing and dispatching events. In this post, we’re going to dive into the deep inside of the mechanism of event subscription and…

Combine CLI Tools with Elixir and Cizen

Cizen is a library to build concurrent applications with a collection of automata which communicate with each other by events. In this post, we are going to create an application to do concurrent image processing with saving our CPU resource. In addition…

1,000,000 Sagas and 1,000,000 Events

Cizen is a library that supports building concurrent applications in Elixir. In this post, we…

Integrating Cizen with Phoenix

Do you know Cizen? It’s an Elixir library that helps you to develop applications that consist of automata…

Build highly concurrent, monitorable, and extensible applications with a collection of automata.
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