Archive of stories published by Clause

REALLY Smart (and Legal!) Contracts

Dan Selman, CTO, Clause Inc. @danielselman

In this article I will introduce smart legal contracts as well as the Open Source Accord Project. I hope it will motivate you to use the existing technology and to join us in defining the standards…

Inside Clause: The Contract Stack

Now, we all know that “software is eating the world”; often in waves at a time. The rise of fintech has been the big story over the past decade. Today, we are really at the beginning of this in legal, which has to date remained relative untouched compared to other…

Why Dynamic, Real-Time, Contracts Are Legally Enforceable

As discussed last week, Clause is building a platform for autonomous and dynamic legal contracts — those with terms and conditions that continuously change and update in response to real-time data from the Internet of Things, web…

Accord Project and Cicero

By: Dan Selman

Over the past few weeks we’ve been extremely busy here at Clause HQ, working on the Accord Project, the Accord Protocol Template Specification, Cicero, and the Hyperledger Improvement Proposal for Cicero. Not to mention all the awesome Clause…

These were the top 10 stories published by Clause; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.