Go to Climate Curious
Climate Curious
It seems like every day in Silicon Valley there’s a new technology breakthrough — but what’s it all for? This is my idea sandbox as I understand the realities of climate change and and the solutions that may slow it down. Let’s learn together.
Note from the editor

It seems like there’s a new technology breakthrough everyday in Silicon Valley— but what’s it all for? Climate Curious is my sandbox as I understand the realities of climate change and and the solutions that may slow it down. Let’s learn together.

Go to the profile of Alison E. Berman
Alison E. Berman
Research & Insights at Valo Ventures. Prior RMI, Singularity U. Poetry anthology available ➡️ https://www.amazon.com/Beautifully-Mundane-Alison-Berman/dp/168