Go to Close the Gap California
Close the Gap California
Close the Gap California is a statewide campaign to achieve gender balance in the California Legislature by recruiting progressive women to run. https://closethegapca.org/our-campaign/
Note from the editor

Close the Gap California is a statewide campaign to achieve gender balance in the California Legislature by recruiting progressive women to run. https://closethegapca.org/our-campaign/

Go to the profile of Close the Gap California Team
Close the Gap California Team
Close the Gap California is a campaign for parity in the CA State Legislature by recruiting progressive women to run. 20 Recruits serve today! closethegapca.org
Go to the profile of Susannah Delano
Susannah Delano
Close the Gap California Executive Director
Go to the profile of Close the Gap California Team
Close the Gap California Team
Close the Gap California is a campaign for parity in the CA State Legislature by recruiting progressive women to run. 20 Recruits serve today! closethegapca.org
Go to the profile of Susannah Delano
Susannah Delano
Close the Gap California Executive Director
Go to the profile of Mary Hughes
Go to the profile of Jessica Sass
Jessica Sass
Media & Political Studies at Pitzer College | Intern at Close The Gap | Research Assistant | Idealist | Trying to do some good