Top Stories published by Cloudflare in October of 2016

Cloudflare’s Architected to Stop the Biggest DDoS Attacks

by Matthew Prince

The last few weeks have seen several high-profile outages in legacy DNS and DDoS-mitigation services due to large scale attacks. Cloudflare’s customers have, understandably, asked how we…

TLS nonce-nse

by Filippo Valsorda

One of the base principles of cryptography is that you can’t just encrypt multiple messages with the same key. At the very least, what will happen is that two messages that have identical plaintext will also have identical ciphertext, which is a dangerous…

How the Dyn outage affected Cloudflare

by John Graham-Cumming

Last Friday the popular DNS service Dyn suffered three waves of DDoS attacks that affected users first on the East Coast of the US, and later users worldwide. Popular websites, some of which are also Cloudflare…

Say Cheese: a snapshot of the massive DDoS attacks coming from IoT cameras

by Marek Majkowski

Over the last few weeks we’ve seen DDoS attacks hitting our systems that show that attackers have switched to new, large methods of bringing down web…

Dyn issues affecting joint customers

by Filippo Valsorda

Today there is an ongoing, large scale Denial-of-Service attack directed against Dyn DNS. While Cloudflare services are operating normally, if you are using both Cloudflare and Dyn services, your website may be affected.

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