What’s Happening this Sunday the 16th of February

In Rhode Island the site of a new movement.

Jairson Ascencao
3 min readFeb 14, 2020


Jairson on the right, rapper Tengu on the left.

Hi there! My name is Jairson Ascencao, and I thought this would be a good place to tell you about the movement brewing in Providence Rhode Island. I’m a part of the Haven Village, a growing community where people are collaborating to become more effective on the path to the person they truly want to become. This Sunday we’re going to be having a headquarters meeting where several of us are coming together to work on how we govern ourselves as a community, and how our community interacts with the already existing systems of government.

Haven Village Architecture Project

Our name for our work to create effective systems of collaboration and communal living is the Haven Village Architecture Project. You can see some of our preliminary thoughts here. Very soon some of us are planning to move in together and focus even more heavily on creating systems of collective income and living together. Alec Mustafayev, a high school student, and I, Jairson Ascencao, have been heading this project.

Our Progress so Far

So far, Alec and I have worked on further our understanding of what we call Paracities. In the Haven Village, a Paracity is a genre of work, where multiple projects can be handled and developed by the members of the paracity. One example is our Storytelling Paracity, where the Kingmaker Comic is being developed. We’ve worked out what it takes to manage a paracity as it is known today.

Where We’re Going

There’s much to do in the Architecture project, and even more to revise, but as of write now, our vision is to create and use systems to govern our little village, especially as we begin to live with each other and collaborate to generate meaningful and shared wealth together. Questions we’ll be asking ourselves are things like “As our village produces products, how do we distribute the income generated from those products to the people who created them, to the system that allowed those creations to occur, and to those who contributed in more minor ways to the specific products?”

Social Justice Paracity

Shira Bedford is the Leader of this paracity. Jairson Ascencao is currently the Manager of this paracity. The starting goal of this paracity is to look for ways to create drivers for society to treat its members as people with emotions, personalities, and opinions rather than as cold numbers. This is the newest paracity in the Haven village, and is currently under a lot of development.

Where are we going?

Haven started out a simple improv music group, and has morphed into so much more. We’re looking to be a place to live, collectively own, collaborate and make income, and further political discussion and action. If you’re in Providence, work with us. If you’re elsewhere, and really interested in what we’re doing, reach out, and talk with me, Jairson Ascencao, about how we can start doing similar things in your city too! Contact me at ri4ctv.com/Jairson



Jairson Ascencao
Writer for

Cape Verdean, Climber. “The individual is far more powerful than they’ve been led to believe.” Build a home with me?