Top Stories published by Code Enigma in 2018

Scrummy Business

Following a scrum master course with Nigel Baker from AgileBear, a certified Scrum Alliance Agile training company, which I did as we do a version of “scrum” in our own company, I wanted to jot down a few thoughts and say why I found this course interesting beyond running projects in an Agile way.

Release 4.x of ce-vm, a digression about Docker, VirtualBox, Vagrant and docker-compose.

A new version of ce-vm, our local development stack, came out last week. It comes with a lot of changes and improvements, amongst which notably:

These were the top 10 stories published by Code Enigma in 2018. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2018 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

Code Enigma
Code Enigma is a community of creative souls and the technically brilliant, dedicated to building a better world wide web.
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