Go to Code for Japan
Code for Japan
Think together, create together;
Note from the editor

Think together, create together; http://code4japan.org/

Go to the profile of Hal Seki
Hal Seki
sudo apt-get upgrade our_society;
Go to the profile of Kazuki Jinnouchi
Kazuki Jinnouchi
Director of Code for Japan
Go to the profile of Nao Myoshu
Nao Myoshu
Writing about civic-tech scene #code for Japan
Go to the profile of Hidemitsu Kaneko
Hidemitsu Kaneko
新潟県監査委員事務局で福祉現場の課題や県の研究開発活動を調査しました/ 最近はデータ活用に興味をもちCode forに参加しています/ 大学客員研究員として伝統産業のイノベーションについて研究しています/
Go to the profile of Tatsuya Ikeda
Go to the profile of Yuko Mitsumoto
Go to the profile of Shota Onishi
Go to the profile of Muneharu Takahashi
Muneharu Takahashi
Civil servant 三田市という場所で働いています。オープンガバメントやシビックテックに興味があります。
Go to the profile of Hiroki Sunagawa
Hiroki Sunagawa
Born in Kobe, Japan. Kyoto University→Panasonic→Aalto University in Finland→City of Kobe→Code for Japan. Embedded Engineer/ICT Strategist/Service Designer.
Go to the profile of HIROMI HAGIWARA
Go to the profile of Sayoko Shimoyama
Go to the profile of Miley Takesada
Miley Takesada
I’m a PhD student of child development and community manager of Code for Japan. ex-LITALICO https://www.code4japan.org/ https://litalico.co