Top Stories published by in October of 2016

Travel Hackathon, Awscloud and the South Moravian Innovation Centre organised the Travel Hackathon 2016. It was a free-thinking, free-ranging weekend where more than 30 talented developers, designers and managers had just 24 hours to create and develop a travel app from scratch.

The 1st Elastic search meetup in Brno organised the first Elasticsearch meetup in Brno on October 13. The event brought three speakers and more than 70 attendees to discuss this highly scalable open source search engine. Here’s a quick run through of what happened.

Reactive Conference in Bratislava

We were Gold Partners at the Reactive Conference in Bratislava: the largest React conference in the region. workshops

The following two intensive workshops were led by Boris Petrenko and Michael Musil, our…

Python Hackathon

We partnered with the Engeto Python Hackathon, which took place during the weekend of November 19–20, 2016 in the Impact Hub Brno.

Two our top developers participated as mentors and we also supported the advanced attendees with free promo codes.