Top Stories published by CodeBuddies in 2017

AMA with Steve Phillips, Lead Developer and Project Manager of the Pursuance Project

Steve Phillips (@elimisteve) has co-founded a successful hackerspace, given a DEF CON talk, been programming for 8 years and using Linux for 15, and avoided having a day job for 10+

AMA with Angelo Cordon, Front-End Developer and Product Designer, on switching careers

Background: A few weeks ago, over in the CodeBuddies Slack, a member (@tallpants) suggested that we start an #ama channel. A couple of wonderful people volunteered to do AMAs and

Running partners for code

In the last newsletter, I announced my excitement/trepidation about the fact that you can now start or join a…

STILL ALIVE! (September 21st Newsletter)

Note: this is a copy of an email sent out from

Wow, it’s been almost TWO YEARS since the last CodeBuddies newsletter went out. Sorry about that! A lot has happened since January 2016.

These were the top 10 stories published by CodeBuddies in 2017. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2017 by using the calendar at the top of this page.