D3.js BTS Lesson #5 — dividing program into small pieces

Craig Oda
Published in
3 min readNov 12, 2018

Divide statistics program into smaller pieces to make it easier to manage

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We’ll make all changes in the chartClass.js file.

svg viewport

Below the constructor, create and new method called, generateSvg(). Within this method, define a const svg and return it.

generateSvg() {
const svg = d3.select(this.idHtml)
.attr('width', this.width + this.margin.left + this.margin.right)
.attr('height', this.height + this.margin.top + this.margin.bottom)
.attr('transform', `translate( ${this.margin.left}, ${this.margin.top} )`);
return svg;

After you define the method, run the method in the constructor and assign it to this.svg.

this.svg = this.generateSvg();

You can now use this.svg in any of the methods or getters in the class.


Below the constructor, add a getter memberNames() using the new keyword get.

    get memberNames() {
const memberNames = [];
this.data.forEach(eachMember => {
return memberNames;

test the new getting in the constructor. You can print out the value of the getter memberNames() using this.memberNames


You should see the results of the array on the console.


create the x scale using the same get technique. You can access this.memberNames in the new getter xScale().

get xScale() {
const xScale = d3.scaleBand()
.range([0, this.width]);
return xScale;

create x-axis

create a method called, createXaxis() display the x-axis to the screen.

createXaxis() {
const xAxis = d3.axisBottom(this.xScale);
.attr('transform', `translate(0, ${this.height})`);

Create method getImageFile()

getImageFile(d) {
if (d.name == 'Kim Namjoon') {
return 'assets/kim-namjoon-150x150-circle.png';
} else if (d.name == 'Kim Seokjin') {
return 'assets/kim-seokjin.png';
} else if (d.name == 'Jung Hoseok') {
return 'assets/jung-hoseok-150x150-circle.png';
} else if (d.name == 'Jeon Jeong-guk') {
return 'assets/jungkook-150x150-circle.png';
} else if (d.name == 'Kim Taehyung') {
return 'assets/kim-taehyung-150x150.png';
} else if (d.name == 'Min Yoongi') {
return 'assets/min-yoongi.png';
} else if (d.name == 'Park Jimin') {
return 'assets/park-jimin-150x150-circle.png';

create method generateDatapoints()

bind the data to the svg element image.

apply the d3 data bind pattern

  1. select
  2. data
  3. enter
  4. append
generateDatapoints() {
const datapoints = this.svg.selectAll('image')
.attr('x', d => this.xScale(d.name) - this.imageSize/2 + this.xScale.bandwidth() /2 )
.attr('xlink:href', d => this.getImageFile(d))
.attr('width', this.imageSize)
.attr('height', this.imageSize);
return datapoints;

run the method in the constructor.

this.svg = this.generateSvg();
this.datapoints = this.generateDatapoints();

You should see the data points plotted at the “0” y value since we have not set the y value of each point yet.

In the next lesson, you will generate the y scales, y axis, and axis labels. You will then adjust the y position of each datapoint based on the button press.

Next Lesson

Lesson 6 — Finish Project



Craig Oda

open source advocate, writer, Flutter developer, father, husband, fly fisherman, surfer