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Want to learn about tech or code? We’re here to help you get connected with mentors, meetups, communities, education, and companies that have your best interest in mind.
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Want to learn about tech or code? We’re here to help you get connected with mentors, meetups, communities, education, and companies that have your best interest in mind.

Go to the profile of Code Connector
Code Connector
Want to learn about tech or code? We’re here to help you get connected w/ the best mentors, meetups, communities, education, and companies. codeconnective.com
Go to the profile of JC Smiley Jr
JC Smiley Jr
Front End Developer, Tech Meetup Organizer, Gardener, and Outdoor Enthusiast
Go to the profile of Ted Patterson
Go to the profile of Stefan Hodges-Kluck
Go to the profile of Lawrence Lockhart Jr.
Go to the profile of Lance Jernigan
Go to the profile of Stefan Hodges-Kluck
Go to the profile of Paul Orion Weaver
Go to the profile of Shane Harper
Shane Harper
I am a full time Front End Web Developer based in Baltimore, MD. My main purpose on this site is to inspire others that are looking to join the tech industry.
Go to the profile of Andrew Elick
Go to the profile of Danny Thompson