Archive of stories published by Coder Who Says Py

Offline JavaScript Testing

Or “How I tested my file://localhost web app”

As the creator of Oplop and maintainer of its primary implementation in HTML + JavaScript, I feel an obligation to not break anything. If I screw up then someone ends up with an…

Writing a Zip File Importer: The Loader

Part 3

For a zip file-based loader, luckily there is not much heavy lifting. Working with the finder led to the realization that zip files use / while users use whatever the hell they want for a path separator. With that…

Writing a Zip File Importer: The Finder

Part 2

When writing a finder like importlib.machinery.FileFinder it’s all about working with the storage mechanism you are trying to support. In this instance it’s making sure that the paths the finder is meant to work with are…

Coder Who Says Py
Technical posts by Brett Cannon
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