4 More Red Flags of Terrible Developer

Run away from these people.

Denys Opria


Photo by Jackson David on Unsplash

The first part of this article went viral. More than 10k people read it in a week. So I decided to continue the theme about red flags on tech interviews.

A great developer gives you value and improves overall team performance. An awful one — kills team productivity. It’s better not to hire a great specialist than hire a terrible one. The price of a mistake is too high. You can’t allow it to yourself.

It isn’t an easy task to interview a person in 1 hour. You can’t ask all the tech questions you want. Not enough time to check all soft and hard skills. But here are 4 more red flags that you should pay attention to.

No Live Code

It’s OK when the developer refuses to perform a test task. Usually, they are unnecessarily complicated and time-consuming. A candidate can’t allow himself to spend 3–5 hours “test coding” for each company. Appreciate your and his time.

But it’s super weird when someone refuses to do a short live coding session. It doesn’t take more than 10–20 minutes. Less if the candidate is excellent.

Live coding should be a mandatory part of any technical interview. Actually, this is the only efficient way to check coding skills.



Denys Opria
Writer for

Developer, Thinker, Dreamer ✦ 20x Top Writer ✦ Progress Academy Founder — https://medium.com/progress-academy