Technology | Money | Job Search

5 More Red Flags of Terrible IT Company

More sharp and clear than the previous ones.

Denys Opria
Published in
4 min readFeb 6, 2022


Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash

Who said that a company has to choose from many candidates? Power in the market belongs to those who are in demand. Now qualified developers are in demand. Thus, they choose from a set of companies, not vice versa.

There are thousands of companies on the market. They all need awesome developers. They all need you. But developers don’t want to work for some companies. There are reasons for this.

1st part of this article

Here are 4 red flags of terrible company you don’t want to work for.

Unpaid extra hours and overtime

Nobody likes to work for free. Also, people don’t like to work more than agreed. The worst case is to work more and for free.

Overtime is an important thing to discuss during the interview.

  • Does the company have a culture of over-timing?
  • Does an employee receive extra payment for additional hours?
  • How often can it happen?
  • Are these additional hours mandatory to perform?
  • Are all of the above spelled out in the…



Denys Opria
Writer for

Developer, Thinker, Dreamer ✦ 20x Top Writer ✦ Progress Academy Founder —