Top 10 Laravel Packages for Developers in 2024

Aaron Reddix
Published in
3 min readMay 23, 2024
Top 10 Laravel Packages for Developers

Laravel’s extensive package ecosystem empowers developers to build feature-rich applications efficiently. But with so many options, selecting the right ones can be overwhelming. Here’s a curated list of the top 10 Laravel packages to elevate your development workflow in 2024:

1. Laravel Sanctum

Streamline API authentication within your Laravel applications with Laravel Sanctum. This official package leverages Laravel’s built-in security features, offering a lightweight and robust solution for generating API tokens and managing user access.

2. Laravel Socialite

Simplify user registration and improve user experience by integrating social login options like Google, Facebook, and Twitter. Laravel Socialite provides a convenient solution for handling social media authentication protocols, reducing development complexity.

3. Laravel Breeze

Kickstart your user authentication functionalities with Laravel Breeze. This official package offers a collection of ready-to-use UI components for essential user actions like registration, login, password reset, and email verification. Breeze integrates seamlessly with Laravel’s authentication features and utilizes Tailwind CSS for a clean and responsive design aesthetic.

Also Read: How to Create Reusable Laravel Modules from Scratch?

4. Laravel Livewire

Revolutionize your UI development approach with Laravel Livewire. This innovative framework enables you to create dynamic and interactive web applications within your Laravel projects. Leverage Livewire’s server-side rendering with real-time updates to minimize page reloads and enhance user experience.

5. Spatie Eloquent Backpack

Save time and effort on data management tasks with Spatie Eloquent Backpack. This powerful package helps you generate CRUD functionalities (Create, Read, Update, Delete) for your Laravel application’s data models. It also provides a user-friendly interface for building and customizing a full-featured admin panel, allowing you to manage your application’s data with ease.

6. Laravel Excel (Maatwebsite)

Bridge the gap between your Laravel application and Excel spreadsheets with Laravel Excel. This popular package by Maatwebsite empowers you to effortlessly import data from Excel files and export data from your application in Excel format. This functionality proves invaluable for various use cases, such as data migration, user uploads, and generating reports.

Also Read: Testing Laravel Applications with Dusk: A Complete Guide

7. Laravel Scout

As your Laravel application grows and data volume increases, robust search functionalities become essential. Laravel Scout, an official Laravel package, empowers you to add comprehensive search capabilities to your application. It leverages powerful drivers like Algolia, Meilisearch, or even your database to deliver efficient search results.

8. Laravel Redis

Unlock significant performance benefits by integrating Redis, a popular in-memory data store, into your Laravel application. Laravel Redis provides a convenient interface for utilizing Redis functionalities. Enhance application performance by caching frequently accessed data in Redis, reducing database load and improving response times.

9. Laravel Debugbar

Identify and resolve development issues efficiently with Laravel Debugbar. This popular community-driven package equips you with valuable debugging information displayed directly within your browser window. Leverage Debugbar’s real-time insights to pinpoint errors and optimize your development workflow.

10. Laravel Telescope

Gain deeper insights into your Laravel application’s behavior in production with Laravel Telescope. This official package offers a comprehensive suite of tools for inspecting performance, database queries, queued jobs, and more, all within a user-friendly web interface. Utilize Telescope’s monitoring capabilities to proactively identify and address potential issues before they impact your users.

Beyond the Top 10

The Laravel ecosystem is vast and ever-evolving. Explore additional packages to address specific project needs, such as notification channels for user communication or automated browser testing for enhanced quality assurance.

By incorporating these top 10 Laravel packages into your development workflow, you can significantly boost your development efficiency, build feature-rich applications, and deliver exceptional user experiences.



Aaron Reddix
Writer for

Web dev here, with a serious case of Flutter fever! Currently, exploring the exciting world of cross-platform development with Flutter.