Go to coFLOWco
coFLOWco is a Management Consulting + Brand Strategy Collective. Our social entrepreneurs and creative, technical, business, + educational consultants are *Leading with Purpose*, building an ethical, accessible, and inclusive “Future of Work”–one business at a time.
Note from the editor

Collective Flow Consulting’s mission is to achieve equal opportunity and economic empowerment by amplifying the strengths, voices, and creative ideas of diverse leaders. We research and write workplace design, the New Economy, and why DEI can be B.S. if not done right. We leverage alternative business models and highly flexible work cultures to grow sustainably. We also serve bigger institutions, state-led organizations, and nonprofits. We provide tools and policies to build equity into your process and partner ethically with small businesses.

Go to the profile of Emily O. Weltman
Emily O. Weltman
Emily Weltman, M. Ed., strategy consultant, social entrepreneur + coFLOWco founder is “Leading with Purpose–because the patriarchy isn’t going to fix Itself.”💫
Go to the profile of Phoebe Owens Crozier
Phoebe Owens Crozier
👩‍👦 🐶 ⚡️✨ 🔗 mother of a dog |creative sorceress light | connected all-ways | (bio haiku by K-F-P 🙏 ) 🔗: superphoebe.com
Go to the profile of Emily O. Weltman
Emily O. Weltman
Emily Weltman, M. Ed., strategy consultant, social entrepreneur + coFLOWco founder is “Leading with Purpose–because the patriarchy isn’t going to fix Itself.”💫
Go to the profile of Phoebe Owens Crozier
Phoebe Owens Crozier
👩‍👦 🐶 ⚡️✨ 🔗 mother of a dog |creative sorceress light | connected all-ways | (bio haiku by K-F-P 🙏 ) 🔗: superphoebe.com