Alternative NFT/Crypto “Real-Life” Use Cases 🔐


Not all NFT’s have to be PFP’s…

Imagine owning an NFT that acts as an entry ticket to a community, and/or “shares” of a business (like MetaDads).

Say you want to go on vacation to Spain, one of the most geographically gorgeous and cheap countries you can visit in the western world that just so happens to also have some of the best weather.

On most travel occasions, you’ll probably have to rent a hotel room or stay in a hostel for hundreds of dollars, even going into the thousands if you want to stay luxuriously.

If you own an NFT from our collection, this would grant you entry to our “off-grid” community. You will be able to come and stay in our commune as long as you like (we won’t tell authorities if you stay longer than 3mo 😉).

Upon arrival, we’d check to see if you owned an NFT from our collection (per person) and if you do, you’d be more than welcome to stay in your camper/car/tent whatever you like. In time, we’ll set up communal spaces where guests can sleep if they prefer with bunk beds, kitchens, bathrooms and all. We’d suggest that if you choose to stay longer than a week that you’d help do some chores around the commune to keep the community thriving.

This is but one way you can choose to have NFT’s be applicable in the real world.

The next way that we’ll be creating value for our NFT holders is by building a Brewery! (You can truly build any business in the world…)

Make it so that each NFT gets distributed a portion of the profits from the business.

For example, in our Brewery business (and more taprooms/breweries/restaurants to come in the future), 20% of all the profits forever will get distributed evenly to a special 50 NFT’s out of our 2000 NFT collection. These 50 NFT’s will be sold for $1,500 and will get dividends from the profits of the brewing business. The remainder, 1950 NFT’s, will get free beer/food whenever they come into any of our establishments worth up to $100/day.

It’s not as easy as some utility, but for now, this IS a way to bridge the gap between digital assets and real-world utility.

Use the NFT’s like investment shares each NFT is a share of the company and gets a percent of the profits.

These are alternative utility use cases for NFT’s and can even be added on top of other utilities such as staking, token rewards, voting rights, etc…

You must be aware of the legal measures to doing these practices and consult with a lawyer before making any major deals.

Always think outside the box 💫



I can’t stress this enough! Be extremely vigilant and aware of every link you click, every transaction you make, and every person you interact with, as scammers are plentiful in the space and rugs get pulled from the best looking of projects.

Triple check all links before you click them and make sure they’re the official link you’re looking for. Also triple check all wallet address’s before sending anything valuable to yourself or someone else.

Follow Our Crypto/NFT/Blockchain/Metaverse Journey Striving To Open Earth’s 1st NFT/Crypto-Centric Brewery and Off-Grid Commune🌱

Spotify Podcast

Please support me and my growing family by sending Polygon Matic to this Eth address, or Eth Tokens:


Thanks for reading :]

Ty aka “The Dude”

Some Of Our Other Blog Posts:
5 Downfalls of Web3
5 + 5 Tactics For A Better Discord
Crypto 101: A Beginners Guide
Top 5 NFT Best Practices (Marketing & Community Growth)
Web3 Basics

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