Life is Out of Control

Published in
5 min readJun 28, 2022


Part Ⅱ of Chapter Two The Web 3.0 Organism is Rising


  • When no individual gives the order to the swarm, the swarm system runs out of control.
  • Out of control stands the test of history by its resilience.
  • Humans are heading for a future free of control. Web 3.0 comes into life as the Internet emerges and harbors out-of-controllness.

Ant colony will not suffer food shortage as several breadwinner ants lose life to Air Jordan Shoes. Beehive will not dissolve as one bee bumps into a pool house. A swarm system is resilient. A small survival piece can pick up the slightest hope of resurgence. That strong bounce-back is fueled by the out-of-control structure.

What is Out of Control?

An individual who commands the group sits at the top of the pyramid of power and makes the ultimate decision. If no individual gives the order to the swarm, the swarm system runs out of control.

The collective systems of bee swarm and ant colony, classic out of control, have no one to issue an instruction. From the bigger picture, many animal flocks, plant communities, and bio groups function in the same manner. From a narrow perspective, a single organism is also structured without control.

Take the human body as an example. An adult has about 40 to 60 trillion cells, each performing its own duty. They connect with and transmit substances to each other. They form human tissues and organs. Organs transmit and distribute substances through tubes. Thus, a human body is formed. Among these billions of cells, no cell can manipulate others into doing anything, whether it is the transmission of nutrients, neurotransmitters, or even food and excrement. From that, we can tell that a human body is not centrally dominated but is weaved by interdependent cells.

The human brain, normally considered the ultimate decision-maker, runs in an out-of-control state. Each distinct part of the brain plays a different role. No part rules above others. Thousands of interconnected neurons transmit information to each other and work together to finish brain assignments, such as memorizing, etc. during which consciousness and wisdom arise. Such a mechanism leaves people with the pseudo impression of its authority decision-making.

What Leads to Out of Control?

Swarm systems rid of control manifest great vitality. Unstrained by top-down commands, a single part manages to get things done in its own way. The rest of the flock tend to follow suit and evolve as individual choice and decision receive positive feedback as well as benefits. The flock learns the lesson and evades similar mistakes as part makes the wrong decision and dies out. To be specific, a swarm system without control allows high tolerance for faults. Both positive and negative feedback entail evolution. The group improves and extends its upper hand whether an individual learns or errs. The system, meanwhile, belongs to a more extensive system. This indicates that however large a system is, it will finally end up with out-of-controllness.

The last article explains why human civilization will eventually run out of control, which finds its clue along the path of history. Past thousands of years have spotted many political or financial dictators discarded by the tide of history, descending to stepping stones of human evolution. No country or enterprise may govern above everything else; no one may monopolize citizen rights or interests.

Take contemporary monopoly capitalism as an example. During the late 1900s, Marshall, the well-known neoclassical economist, defined monopoly as an “exception” only. Later, as Britain started to dominate the growing contemporary monopoly capitalism, the previously prosperous free competition capitalism was weakened. In the 1930s, monopoly capitalism gained legitimate ground as a result of the institutional upgrade. In the 1970s, after World War II and nearly a hundred years since its birth, monopoly capitalism was overthrown, and the new free competition capitalism swirled back to the stage.

Going forward, the mindset of control will gradually fade away, whether in big or small human groups. No person or thing has absolute authority. A swarm system is extensively laid out in a distributed manner. Evolution happens through elimination or selection. Every control, monopoly, or exclusive power comes out of trial and error, but also precedes the evolution of human civilization. That being said, human civilization will ultimately rampage out of control.

Web 3.0, Another Out of Control

Web 3.0 emerged in the Age of the Internet. Contemporary monopoly capitalism is doomed to vanish; free competition is destined to arrive. Similarly, all centralized enterprises, even Google, may not survive amid fierce competition with various enterprises in the next few decades to come. Only when things lose control, will they shine. Web 3.0 is where a freely-competing, out-of-control Internet prospers.

The post-IT life form we want to create is the Web 3.0 life form emerging alongside the Internet. Numerous nodes constantly sniff for “honey” on the Internet while they interact, connect, integrate, and collaborate. A seemingly disordered, but internally organized out-of-control life form eventually arrives as nodes evolve. A vast number of underlying nodes may make various mistakes. Then, evolution comes out of self-adjusted, self-corrected mistakes.

Whether it is the emerging Web 3.0 or the upcoming out-of-control Web 3.0, what we have done is just to make the evolution happen fast, and push the swarm system towards out of control at a faster pace. We won’t be the master of this being, but only its ferryman.

*What does the Web 3.0 organism look like? I will explain my thoughts on this in a whole new Chapter The Web 3.0 Organism is Rising which includes three parts: the birth, existence and my thinking on this burgeoning organism. Remember that we’ve posted three pieces of writing on NetX(👇)? They all belong to Chapter One The Background. And we try to sew them together in a well-connected way. Everytime enter a new chapter, we feel so excited to share our findings and thoughts. Please join us in this journey!

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