MAM — Best entry point…

Nelson Crypto passive income
5 min readDec 18, 2022


Hello, my name is Nelson join me as we review MAM.

If you don’t know MAM please read my previous article on it.
MAM — Paving the way into a new age

When I first wrote about MAM TVL was around 11K BUSD.
Today almost 60 days later MAM TVL is at 6K BUSD.
In the past 60 days, we have seen MAM TVL go as high as 34500 BUSD on November 8th, down to 16K BUSD on November 18th, and up again to 25K BUSD before finally stabilizing around the 6K BUSD we see today.

This is how these new types of miners, that count on outside revenue streams works.
There is no more late entry point in these miners, both old and new users are assured ROI in time.
Being assured ROI does not mean that your daily rewards will not fluctuate, in these miners, TVL is still a very important factor to account for when we are setting up a strat.

The compound does not increase one’s position in a miner, it will only help reduce to some extent the inflation that all users feel on miners. Only TVL increase will increase one’s position in miners.

Always Claim
“Bad players” will be hit by inflation more than balanced players regardless of point of entry. It is a miner and yes, players that join in the first minute received more miners than players that joined later but in these new miners that end up lasting longer, due to the outside revenue streams if they only claim they will feel more inflation than others and if they later start compounding to fight it they are in for a long ladder to climb. And even when TVL increases their position will increase just like everyone’s but the inflation rate will never allow them to get as many daily rewards as they did in the beginning.
This makes it so that new players can actually earn more rewards than an old player.

Balance is key to playing these miners and being able to get them to become a nice and enjoyable passive income stream.

If anyone thinks it is possible to join MAM with a 50 BUSD deposit and compound it to a point they will be earning 500 per week or day, think again.
Your earnings will always be dependent on the amount you initially deposit (conditioned by the TVL amount on the moment you got in), compounds when they are useful, and fresh deposits at the right moment…

MAM has a minimum 50BUSD deposit.
MAM has a daily and highest deposit lotto.
MAM has weekly injections from pools.

The only way to effectively fight inflation is by depositing fresh capital in the miner.
But won’t this mean we never ROI and make it harder to see profits?
One may think so at first but…

Let’s say you deposit 400 BUSD in it.
At first, you should be getting some 12 BUSD daily.
If TVL goes up you will get more, as TVL goes down you will get less.
But not only TVL will result in you getting less even if TVL goes up if your pasted and current actions are only claims, but you will also see a very tenuous increase.
As TVL increases compound one day and claim the next is a way to decrease the inflation levels you will experience.
As TVL goes down you can continue to claim one day and compound another but, every time you have more than 50 BUSD out you can deposit back and keep the remaining for ROI and profit.
Timing your deposits according to TVL levels is important, sniping the highest daily deposit, will result in every deposit you get more miners as a bonus and make it even more effective.
Small tip… TVL going down usually means fewer interest people, making it easier to snipe the highest daily deposit, “in the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king…”

This is a suggestion for a strat that I personally use in miners such as MAM, there are others I’m sure but I have found this to work nicely to keep my rewards at a somewhat stable and enjoyable rate.

If i wish to get more than a 50 BUSD deposit to increase my positon in a miner i will wait till the TVL is at its lowest before i do this. Why?
Well, i know that there is an outside revenue working to keep the miner going for a long time, and there will always be ups and downs on the TVL so if the TVL is at its lowest most players are getting hit by inflation this is an opening for me to position myself and climb the ladder overtaking some of the payers that started earlier and, to increase my position in the miner once TVL goes up again.

Now a piece of news that makes this a great moment to get in MAM.
MAM has partnered with FH.
This means that MAM will now additionally receive injections from FH, namely the NFTs (10% of the funds raised by FH collection NFT sale will go to MAM.)
The upcoming MOF project will also feed a share to MAM.
Add this to the pools MAM already has working for it and we have the ingredients to see MAM not only getting a stable TVL in times to come but eventually, the weekly injections will be superior to what comes out of the TVL be users claims. Translation…
TVL increase!

>>FH Eco TG<<
>>NFT sale page<<
>>FH homepage<<

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Nelson Crypto passive income

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