The Art of Cryptowaves: Colours and Life

5 min readDec 7, 2021


In this article I am going to the explain the process and thoughts I have been through when designing “The Art of Cryptowaves”.

You can find general information about The Art of Cryptowaves on Website, Twitter and Discord, and the other articles here.

This story is about COLORS.. enjoy the reading!

Elements of Life

Bitcoin and Crypto in general have spawned lots of opportunities during these years: new asset classes and new investment opportunities, novel and disrupting applications, Decentralized Finance (DeFi), new Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and finally Non Fungible Tokens (NFT) as well.

These new opportunities represent life.

Life to previous unimaginable and disrupting projects, life to new tokens, life to new investments, life to new NFT collections, life to new opportunities for people. The life factor is symbolized in Cryptowaves by some themes and related colour combinations.

If one thinks about life, what kind of elements come to mind? Water, Earth, Fire and Air as the 4 ancient culture classical elements. These elements are translated into 4 colour palettes representing different combinations of colours for water, for earth, for fire and for air.

Water, Earth, Fire & Air

Photo by Max Kukurudziak on Unsplash

Phanta Rhei, everything flows

Cryptos and all markets are constantly changing, everything is in a flow status, everything goes through cycles.

Phanta rhei according to philosopher Heraclitus.

The symbols of cycles that everyone of us is experiencing every year are the natural seasons. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter are thus colour palettes that symbolizes the cycles of life as well as the cycles of markets, the flowing of time, the evolution of cryptos. As Vivaldi eternally represented the Four Seasons in his musical masterpiece, as Cryptowaves are inheriting this aspect.

Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter

Going in more granular details, another daily symbol of constant flow is the cyclical repetition of day and night with sunrise & sunset, dawn & dusk .These two elements are another colour palette combination.

Sunrise & Sunset

Photo by David Mullins on Unsplash

As the approach of flow needs to be universal, what happens when certain population of Earth are living in complete darkness, as above polar circles during winter? Aurora borealis, known also as Northern Lights, is the astonishing effect that appear in the sky and that is in a constant flow, it’s as the river of Heraclitus. No two different moments in the Northern Lights event are the same, thus no two cryptowaves are equal. Details are different, color combinations are similar, shape are not the same. Everything flows.

Aurora Borealis

Photo by Jon Anders Dalan on Unsplash

Overall, everything is driven by colours and perception, colours drive our emotions and patterns and are a constant theme in cryptowaves. Warm colours evoke love, passion, happiness and anger, while cool colours are linked to calmness, sadness and indifference.

Basic Colours

Red is usually associated with excitement and energy, but also with danger, while green is linked with balance and growth, harmony and healing; orange colour is used for confidence and success, while blue is for trust and peace. Colours influence our decisions, that’s why certain Technical Analysts are changing standard red and green candles with yellow or blue and grey.

Contrasts, randomness & modelling

Cryptos are characterised by contrasts.

  • Long & Short positions.
  • Bull & Bear trends.
  • Price going north or south.
  • A token reaching the Top 10, or another one losing its market cap and reach Top 100–200.

Contrast are symbolized by divergent colour combinations.

Divergent Colours

Photo by Etienne Girardet on Unsplash

In this constant flow, cryptocurrencies (and in general financial markets) could be modelled as continuous-time stochastic processes, e.g. Brownian motion models. This model has an intrinsic random component that in Cryptowaves is represented by random colours.


Technical Analysis is a tool that traders are using to model the price action of a stock or a crypto. Is there anything similar that can be applied to Cryptowaves? Colour theory is the intrinsic driving force of each cryptowave colour style.

Colour Theory

Whether is analogous, complementary, split-complementary, triadic or tetradic, Cryptowaves are designed to have colour theory embedded in every aspect.


As you understood, Cryptowaves’s colours are the result of an in-depth study and analysis of colours and colours theory, as well as a parallelism with greek philosophy, music and everyday life.

Elements of Life. Four Seasons. Sunset & Sunrise. Basic Colours. Divergent Colours. Random Colours.




I shape Cryptocurrencies signals into Art and Emotions | @TACryptoWaves | Deep Learning Data Scientist & Crypto Artist