Where are my staking rewards, Lebowski

Baking Bad
3 min readAug 17, 2020


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In Tezos chats and communities, the one question arises very often: why didn’t I get my staking rewards?

Most often, this problem appears because of the lack of experience, so in this article, we will analyze all common cases and hope that after reading this article, you will not make the same mistakes and will receive Tezos staking rewards without any problems.

Public and custody Tezos bakers

The most common reason for missing rewards is choosing a custody baker. To get rewards for your Tezos coins, you must delegate them to a non-custodial Baker.


Exchanges are not public bakers!

An exchange Baker will only pay for staking if you store funds on the exchange account. So, don’t delegate to Binance, Kraken or other exchanges directly from your own wallet.

Full list of proven Tezos bakers is available on our website. Don’t mess up.

Minimum delegation requirements

The second reason for this problem may be the minimum allowed amount to delegate. Many bakers have a minimum delegation amount requirement, below which they do not pay rewards. It is easy to check — open Baking Bad, find your baker in the list, click on the payment audit link, and look at the field “Minimum delegation amount”

Also, the Baker may set the minimum payout threshold. That is until the number of your rewards reaches a certain amount, your payment will not take place. This is about the same thing, but it is more user-friendly. Just pick a suitable Baker and our website will help you with it.

Dead or closed bakers

Next — maybe you no longer getting rewards because Baker is dead or closed the delegation service. It is in your best interest to monitor the status of the baker which you have entrusted for. Honest bakers usually inform in advance about the service closure, as well as about all changes. For our part, we also notify about such cases — so, subscribe to our Twitter and join our Telegram chat!


Then, it is possible that the Baker was overdelegated when you were delegating to him. Usually, Bakers do not pay to those delegators who came after the staking was filled and he’s got out of free space. When choosing a delegate, check the Free Space column in our baker’s list.

When you will start to receiving staking rewards

And of course, this question is often asked by users who did everything correctly — they just couldn’t wait for the payments to start. 14 cycles should pass before your funds start participating in staking, then rewards shall be accrued and unfrozen, so you will start receiving payments at least in 23 days. For more about staking details, check the Tezos staking for beginners article — there we explain how much time should pass and how it comes.


Okay, to sum up in a nutshell

  1. Pick a proper baker
  2. Check the payout limits
  3. Delegate and wait
  4. Keep an eye on your rewards and the baker

That’s it! Just a couple of simple rules and you won’t have any problems with Tezos staking rewards. Choose only the right bakers, because this is what Baking Bad has been created for!



Baking Bad

Baking-bad.org, Audit & Rating of Tezos bakers. Active Tezos tools contributor. Author of better-call.dev, Pytezos, Netezos, TzKT.io, atomex.me