Torment 3

Andrew Westcott
Collaborative Chronicles
1 min readSep 22, 2017

Part Three of a 100-word drabble that is turning into a series.
You can catch up with Part One and Part Two

High on the rock ledge I’m curled up in the foetal position, a red-hot knife slices into my shoulder every time I move.

It’s freezing, my breath forms a mist in the air, even so sweat forms on my brow. I rollover, a scream echoes around the canyon.

Was that me?


The moon casts a soft light, shadows trick the eyes. Do I see a goat track winding up the canyon wall?

Headlights shine into the night sky. An engine roars, wheels slip on loose gravel. A vehicle stops, my heart races with excitement.

I shout.

Catch up with Part One and Part Two

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Andrew Westcott
Collaborative Chronicles

I am a writer and a reader and I enjoy doing both immensely. I live in the South West of England.