Eterea — New Urban Wi-Fi Landscape, part 2: Ethnographic Research in Milan

Yulya Besplemennova
Yulya’s blog
Published in
6 min readNov 12, 2015

After theoretical research performed in this part we go around Milan observing how people use Internet in different outdoor spaces:

  • Intro: offer in Milan
  • Piazza Argentina + Openwifimilano
  • Via Morgagni + Freeluna
  • Upcycle

Nowadays there are two most obvious players in outdoor public Wi-Fi field in Milan: Openwifi Milano which is city’s municipal Wi-Fi initiative and Freeluna which promotes its service as a “social” Wi-Fi. Besides that there is a bottom-up approach by FON — international company engaging people in the system of private Wi-FI sharing.

Map reflecting situation in April 2014

General research path was to move from the first look at existing offers environment following it by the city City observations would demonstrate how the offers have landed in the real urban landscapes, whether they follow its unique rules or there are many points of disconnection.

Also city shows all the things about behaviour of its population, their ways to connect and communicate. After seeing the general city patterns more precise user understanding can be achieved. And when the knowledge of these specific settings is gained offer can be revisited in a new way.

The research started with general look at city density and outdoor behavior distribution. Different places were visited including the very touristic city core and suburbs zones surrounding Bovisa and Quarto Oggiaro. Research had to be performed in different directions — understanding the city life and public spaces usage, users and existing Internet offers and the overall trend in Internet use and “network society” changing urban life.

It was decided to focus on three different places as examples of different typologies: piazza Argentina for a square which has OpenwifiMilano, Via Morgagni as a green boulevard inside the neighbourhood with Freeluna Wi-Fi and Upcycle cafe as a new type of place for Milano where working is as encouraged as food consumption.

Piazza Argentina + OpenWi-FiMilano

Lively square on the transport line intersections full both of passers by and people coming here on purpose.

+ diverse public, a lot of facilities for different users, visibly open space with no “dead” zones, all facilities are integrated;

- seems to be unsafe at night, busy road in the middle, gets dirty because a lot of people are eating and drinking here

People/Pattern: There is very diverse mix of people. As it is not so close to the center timetable of this place follows the regular citizens’ working/eating/ drinking schedule. It is empty in the morning, getting lots of public during lunch hour, in the afternoon those who had break leave, but the new people arrive just to spend time here, aperitivo time again attracts people and even in the night there are crowds hanging out here and often drinking. The busiest day is Saturday when lots of people go shopping and then either just pass by here or stay to rest, eat and drink something.

Naked eye observations don’t show much of Wi-Fi use in the square, but network scanning reveals different picture and the pattern repeats daily changes observed in the general use of space, for example, the peak is in lunch time.

If not using Wi-Fi, people still use their 3G connection for all possible reasons: to chat, check social networks, news or for more serious purposes. Facebook and Whatsapp were among the most popular named apps. even making Skype calls during break hours. In the morning some people in cafe were noticed planning day and checking information of how to better schedule everything. Couples are often spotted watching videos together from one device. A few people use Internet to fulfil specific tasks like one man was performing Internet banking right there at the square, a lot of tourists (and not only) stop to check the directions in Maps.

Via Morgagni + FreeLuna

Green zone with various activities spaces

+ green zone,diverse locals, various possibilities to spend time — socializing by interest; - unsafe, some parts seem deserted and abandoned, weird people hanging around

*the usage of space differs drastically depending on particular zone of this street, ! besides the “specialized” zones, other parts have very poor design.

Freeluna has assets here, but no users were noticed using it outdoors, though both spots have benches in the area of fairly good signal.

People/Pattern: This space follows residential life pattern — timetable of children coming back from school to come playing to the kids grounds and working parents taking children out on weekends.

Elderly gathers in the afternoons, teens at night. Lunchtime is also popular hour for people to have break here and enjoy staying outdoors.

Patrons: Locals using various mentioned facilities or just coming here to get some rest. Normally it’s not a destination to travel to, people get here from the surrounding zone.

In general even though people in Via Morgagni are mostly involved in some special activities like playing with kids, walking dogs or playing games, there is still room for them to stay connected with not present others and connect to Internet for many reasons.

Upcycle Cafe, Indoor Wi-Fi

Supposedly use of Internet indoors suggests what users would like to find outdoors

+ unlimited wifi, friendly atmosphere, being part of Avanzi

- homogeneity of users, meal hours restrict working

*more places like that are opening in Milan

Space has free Wi-Fi secured by password and from the very beginning it start its life as a “working” cafe. People working in Avanzi are the regular customers of it and they use the space not only for meals but to work here as well. And this goes beyond the normal idea of business lunch. Often all the teams of workers just change their location and work at Upcycle to change the environment.

Big tables are helping that allowing people to fit here perfectly. However it is a place where specific categories of users go: usually young professionals in “creative” fields, all well educated, speaking English, they create a community of patrons here. In this sense this place is not that “public”. Instead it creates a comforting environment of people alike. There are less people staying here throughout the day using Wi-Fi than those who come to eat during lunch and also they’re more homogenous public. But during the meal hours workers have to stop as all the tables get occupied.

