Go to Common Faith
Common Faith
Common Faith is a publication for followers of The Way, and for everyone who’s curious about Jesus or the postmodern Christian life. Haters welcome, just try to extend grace on the journey.
Note from the editor

Common Faith is a publication for followers of The Way, and for everyone who’s curious about Jesus or the postmodern Christian life. Haters welcome, just try to extend us grace on the journey.

Go to the profile of Jared Brock
Jared Brock
Pilgrim, husband, father, author, filmmaker. Join thousands who get the Future Faith newsletter+podcast: jaredbrock.substack.com
Go to the profile of Common Faith
Editor in Chief
Common Faith
Editor-in-chief for Common Faith, a publication for followers of The Way and their friends. Subscribe via email: https://commonfaith.crd.co/
Go to the profile of Jared A. Brock
Jared A. Brock
Read my new myth-busting book on the politics, economics, and philosophy of history's most influential revolutionary: https://agodnamedjosh.com/
Go to the profile of Jared Brock
Jared Brock
Pilgrim, husband, father, author, filmmaker. Join thousands who get the Future Faith newsletter+podcast: jaredbrock.substack.com
Go to the profile of Common Faith
Editor in Chief
Common Faith
Editor-in-chief for Common Faith, a publication for followers of The Way and their friends. Subscribe via email: https://commonfaith.crd.co/
Go to the profile of Jared A. Brock
Jared A. Brock
Read my new myth-busting book on the politics, economics, and philosophy of history's most influential revolutionary: https://agodnamedjosh.com/
Go to the profile of David Majister
David Majister
10x top writer. World traveler (26 countries). Runner (1k+ miles). Meditator (9.5k minutes). Introvert. Wild swimmer. Story maker.