Top Stories published by Complexity Liberalism in 2018

Chakras, Social Regulation, and Spiral Dynamics

A potentially interesting way to think about Spiral Dynamics is by looking at the chakra system. The patterns map very well onto each other.
 1. Root Chakra — Beige Level (survival basics)
 2. Sacral Chakra — Purple Level (accepting…

The White Privilege Behind White Privilege

Perhaps you have heard of the Privilege Walk, wherein you line a bunch of people up and call out things such as, “If you are right-handed, take a step forward.” Most have to do with race, sex, sexual orientation, and poverty. The idea is that you’re…

These were the top 10 stories published by Complexity Liberalism in 2018. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2018 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

Complexity Liberalism
I take a complexity approach to understanding and interpreting economics and politics. I consider our civil society to be made up of subsets of self-organizing network processes that interact to create our civil society. This is a new liberalism (neither left nor right).
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