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3 Ways Google Apps @ Work Rocks

I work at Thumbtack and we use Google Apps (G Suite) products. They are pretty great for at least three…

Google Wave Open to the World

I’ve long felt that Google Wave was never going to really get moving until Google opened it from behind its closed beta.

Now, at Google I/O, Wave has been launched into public availability for everyone to use.

Novell Pulse Enables Inter-Company Collaboration via Google Wave

Google Wave launched amid serious hype. Getting my kids from school was less important than getting a Wave Invite. Then, after everyone got in there and sent their “hello world” waves, the thing kindof, well, died off a…

Love Me Some GoogleDocs Sync?

I find myself wishing I found out about DocVerse eight days ago. Then maybe I could have signed up for an account before Google snapped them up and closed the registration off for a little behind-the-scenes roadwork. Thanks anyway to TWiG 32 which alerted me.