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SMS is back in Gmail/Google Talk?

For a while, SMS heaven seemed to rest lightly on all users of gmail and it’s in-browser gtalk client. keeping up with people who were not “online” but mobile was as easy as pie. Changing between SMS and gTalk chat was clear and simple. All was well in the universe…

Google Voice Launches

The long-awaited re-emergence of GrandCentral since Google bought them has come about, being dubbed (of course) Google Voice (what did you expect? With other products named such novel things as “mail” and “news” or (what was that original one called, again?… oh yes…) “search”?)

Twitter = Conversations

Overhearing a few conversations yesterday drove home the point to me that Twitter (or identi.ca or pownce, plurk or even email) is really simply a way to have conversations.

Kumbaya, and all that :)

All A Twitter

Yeah, twitter is addictive. It’s fun. It’s compelling. Here’s a few tips to help newbies to twitter get the feel of it a little faster:

  • SheGeeks’ Twitter 101 post gives pretty good clarification on following other people. In short, give people a reason to follow you before…


I don’t have any idea why this was launched nearly a month ago and I am just finding it, but I think Facebook Chat is a pretty cool idea… and NOT because it’s “CHAT”.

Nevermind that TechCrunch somehow knew about Facebook Chat and I didn’t… must have been that day twitter was down..