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We have too few women leaders

Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook, spoke at TED about the reality of what limits women in leadership.

All of us need to internalize her message and share this with our colleagues, mothers, sisters, and daughters.

Taco Bell: Free Beef Tacos to Facebook Likers

Taco Bell has turned a class action lawsuit about the beef in its food into a Facebook marketing campaign. The restaurant chain is giving away 10 million free beef tacos to Facebook “likers” who download and print a coupon.

Map of the World by Friends

How would the world look if geographies were defined by relationships? Facebook “super intern” Paul Butler wanted to know and created this amazing image of the planet based on facebook relationships.

Utah Company Overstock #8 Best Place to Work

Noted by the New York Times, local Utah company Overstock scored #8 on Glassdoor’s best places to work list, as voted by its presumed employees (there is no validation/verification of these scores).

Paul Buchheit, Gmail Inventor, Leaves Facebook For Y Combinator

ReadWriteWeb, SocialBeat and others are reporting the departure of Gmail creator from Facebook to Y Combinator, the Silicon Valley startup incubator.

Re: LinkedIn, Reloaded

I just finished listening to a great podcast (as usual) from Peter Clayton of Total Picture Radio with Shally Steckerl, the guru of LinkedIn gurus.

The cast, called LinkedIn, Reloaded, explores some of the new additional features of LinkedIn since their last…

BrightKite Helps You Make IRL Friends

My initial way to explain BrightKite is that it’s like Twitter (what you’re doing) + Location (Where you’re doing it), which I like. I am trying to determine how to use it (mainly because I use Verizon for my phone service, and it’s currently not supported).