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Wishlist: 3 Pluses Google Should Add to Google+

Google is doing some great things with Google Plus. Here’s my quick wishlist for three things they could change in a hurry to get me a little more embedded in the platform:

  1. Direct Messaging: Make it easy for me to reach…

Wishlist: Android Firewall

I guess this might as well be a forum on “things BlackBerry does right that Android should do too”. Count this up as another one…

BlackBerry users and their company’s Systems Administrators love that BBOS has a built in firewall that can control messaging…

Wishlist Wednesday: Scaffold for Wordpress

I just saw the Scaffold template for Tumblr made by Mike Harding from NZ (Kia Ora! and Go, All Blacks!) thanks to John Maloney’s use of it.

I would ❤ to see a Wordpress version of this theme.